输入conda install mamba命令: 在命令行中输入以下命令来安装Mamba: bash conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge 这里,-n base 表示在base环境中安装Mamba,-c conda-forge 表示从conda-forge这个conda频道安装。如果你希望在其他环境中安装Mamba,可以将base替换为你想要安装的环境名。 执行命令,等待安装完...
I came across this today with a fresh anaconda install. My workaround was to uninstallspyderusing conda. installmambausing conda installspyderusing mamba I would have never thought spyder was causing the problem until I saw this post. On my computer, conda never found the conflicting package. I...
4、在命令行复制黏贴这段命令安装mamba,虽然也是要跑解析,但是一劳永逸 注意:环境目录一定一定一定不要有中文,否则必定报错 condainstall-c conda-forge mamba 注意:环境目录一定一定一定不要有中文,否则必定报错 5、等他跑完就完事啦,但凡所有conda install的都可以变成mamba install。因为用c++将包管理器重新实现,...
Solution to issue cannot be found in the documentation. I checked the documentation. Issue Recently, when trying to install fenics with conda install -c conda-forge fenics or mamba install -c conda-forge fenics We get the following error...
今天发现了一个libmamba库能极快的加速这个过程。 A Faster Solver for Conda: Libmamba 1. 安装 要确保位于base环境中! conda update -n base conda conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver 2. 设置libmamba作为默认solver conda config --set solver libmamba ...
解决conda install 太慢的问题 mamba 记录一下 ''' conda install -c conda-forge mamba ''' 安装之后,可以用mamba的多线程进行提速 ''' mamba install 包名 ''' 的确快乐很多,但似乎不做兼容性检查了?有待验证
是的,conda确实有类似于`pip install -t`的功能。在conda中,可以使用`--prefix`参数来指定安装包的目标路径,类似于`pip install -t`中的目标路径参数。 ...
I'm on a Windows computer with an Intel i9 CPU. The following conda commands return an error message: ``` conda create -n intelpy conda activate intelpy conda config --add channels https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ conda install intelpython3_core python=3.9...
I'm on a Windows computer with an Intel i9 CPU. The following conda commands return an error message: ``` conda create -n intelpy conda activate intelpy conda config --add channels https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ conda install intelpython3_core python=3....
conda -V python --version # 添加常用频道 conda config --add channels bioconda # 生物软件 conda config --add channels conda-forge # Highest priority # conda默认配置文件为 ~/.condarc 查看配置文件位置 conda install mamba -c conda-forge -y mamba install pandas -c conda-forge -y ...