Insert Multiple Records Into MySQL Using MySQLi and PDOMultiple SQL statements must be executed with the mysqli_multi_query() function.The following examples add three new records to the "MyGuests" table:Example (MySQLi Object-oriented)Get your own PHP Server<?php...
App::LoadDataClass("MySQLDatabase.php"); $mydb =newMySQLDatabase($this->ConnString); $mydb->Open(); $mydb->InsertMultiple($this->TableName, $arrEntries); $mydb->Close();if($mydb->getError()) {$this->setError($mydb->getError()); }return$mydb->AffectedRows; } 开发者ID:r...
PHP+mysql插..我打印$rlist数组,发现一共有20万条数据。然后就循环这个数据并插入到数据库,结果反正浏览器就返回错误。foreach ($rlist as $i=>$rs){$recv_role_id =
insert multiple data rows to mysql with VB.NET Aurimas Gecas June 25, 2007 10:23AM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed.Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is not reviewed in advance by Oracle and does not nece...
MySQL必知必会:数据插入(Insert) 本篇文章介绍如何使用Insert语句将数据插入到数据库。 数据插入 增删改查是数据库最常用的4个命令,插入算是第二常用,第一是SELECT。插入数据的方式大概有4种 插入完整的行 插入行的一部分 插入多行数据(批量插入) 插入来自查询的数据...
PHP mysql 大量批量insert或update数据出错问题 UPDATE users SET age =30WHERE name ='Alice'; UPDATE users SET age=25WHERE name ='Bob'; UPDATE users SET age=35WHERE name ='Charlie'; 以上代码会导致并发性问题,因为多个更新语句可能会同时执行,导致数据错乱。
('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'username', 'password');##步骤二:执行查询语句#查询需要插入数据的源数据$query = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM source_table');##步骤三:遍历查询结果#使用fetchAll()方法获取所有查询结果$rows = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);##步骤四:构建插入语句#...
$values['value'] = MySQL::SQLValue(trim($data[1])); $db =newMySQL(); $db->UpdateRows("vsecommerce_info", $values, $where); } } } 开发者ID:addomine,项目名称:Vision-eCommerce,代码行数:26,代码来源:PSObject.php 示例5: content_create_revision ...
因为访客ip存在几十万条,无法一次性插入到数据库中,于是使用array_chunk()将ip数组切割成无数个小数组,一次执行sql语句。 示例代码 $visitorIp=array();//$start = memory_get_usage();for($i=0;$i<200000;$i++ ) {//200000条ip地址$visitorIp[] = ['ips'=>'192.168.0.'.$i]; ...
insert into b set a_id=_a_id, whatever=b_params; insert into c set a_id=_a_id, whatever=c_params; commit; else -- error handle rollback; end if; end; Subject Views Written By Posted Inset multiple rows with primary key from another insert 3429 RICARDO...