MySQL中的多行插入(Multi-row Insert)是指在一个INSERT语句中插入多条记录到数据库表中。这种操作可以显著提高数据插入的效率,尤其是在需要插入大量数据时。 语法 多行插入的基本语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ....
Prepared multirow insert Posted by:nick kelly Date: February 20, 2009 12:38AM I'm using the following stored procedure from the cmd line and it works correctly DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE Convert(IN convert_var LONGTEXT) BEGIN SET @string=CONCAT('INSERT INTO db1.table1', stock_var );...
(str, list) -> int"""Execute a multi-row query. if not args: return m = RE_INSERT_VALUES.match(query) if m: q_prefix = % () q_values = q_postfix = or "" assert q_values[0] == "(" and q_values[-1] == ")" return ...
Description:LAST_INSERT_ID() returns the first new ID of the last insert rather than the last new ID of the last insert. This bug shows up when doing multi-row inserts.How to repeat:mysql> use test; Database changed mysql> create temporary table t1 (id mediumint auto_increment not null...
If you insert multiple rows using a single INSERT statement, LAST_INSERT_ID() returns the value generated for the first inserted row only. The reason for this is to make it possible to reproduce easily the same INSERT statement against some other server. For example: mysql> USE test; my...
(缺点)并不是所有语句都能复制的比如:insert into table1(create_time) values(now()),取的是数据当前时间,不同的数据可能时间不一致,另外像存储过程和触发器也可能存在问题。 基于行复制(ROW) (优点)从MySQL5.1开始支持基于行的复制,最大的好处是可以正确地复制每一行数据。一些语句可以被更加有效地复制,另外就...
INSERT into InnoDB table may cause "ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry..." errors or lost records after multi-row INSERT of the form: "INSERT INTO t (id...) VALUES (NULL...) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=VALUES(id)", where "id" is an AUTO_INCREMENT column. It happens because InnoD...
-- 创建一个包含多行数据的虚拟表CREATETABLEmulti_row_data(idINTPRIMARYKEYAUTO_INCREMENT,nameVARCHAR(255));-- 使用DUAL表生成多行数据INSERTINTOmulti_row_data(name)SELECT'John'ASnameFROMDUALUNIONALLSELECT'Jane'ASnameFROMDUAL;-- 查询生成的多行数据SELECT*FROMmulti_row_data; ...
This is generally not recommended, although it may be useful to disable transaction support within a given client session when that session is used to import one or more dump files with large transactions; this allows a multi-row insert to be executed in parts, rather than as a single ...
INSERT INTO tbl2_name (col1,col2) VALUES(col2*2,15); INSERT INTO tbl2_name (col1,col2) VALUES(15,col1*2);' for result in cursor.execute(operation, multi=True): print reslut.row_count Navigate:Previous Message•Next Message ...