I'm looking for a way of inserting a range of values into multiple rows. I have two columns that I am inserting into - project (stays the same) and sceneno, which is where the values will increment from x-y. Basically I am trying to convert the very inefficient PHP code below into...
name) ); insert into t_vip(id,name,email) values(1,'zhangsan','zhangsan@123.com'); insert into t_vip(id,name,email) values(1,'lisi','lisi@123.com'); //错误:不能重复 insert into t_vip(id,name,email) values(1,'lisi','lisi@123.com'); ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry ...
从报错上看,字段vcsonbr中有多个值是614.。。。的数据,如果你要插入数据的表示空表,就把那空表删除,在试试用select * into tworkrelation_near from tworkrelation where vcsonbr='614742737724023902',将查询结果存入新表中。这样新表的结构也和老表一样,数据也可能正常写入。
insert 的值支持多行,可以同时插入多行数据。 在一个事务内批量插入,避免每次插入后自动提交。 清空表数据 DELETE,常规删除操作,可以回滚。 TRUNCATE,属于 DDL 操作,不能回滚,速度快,自增标识会重置。 约束 主键约束:用来唯一标识一行数据,不能重复,不能为空。
Inserting Multiple Rows (3:18) 小结 VALUES ……里一行内数据用括号内逗号隔开,而多行数据用括号间逗号隔开 案例 插入多条运货商信息 USE sql_store INSERT INTO shippers (name) VALUES ('shipper1'), ('shipper2'), ('shipper3'); 1. 2. ...
mysql>insertintoL2(salary)values(512132.283); Query OK,1rowaffected,1warning (0.00sec) mysql>select*fromL2;+---+---+|id|salary|+---+---+|1|1.28||2|5.29||3|5.28||4|512132.28||5|512132.28|+---+---+5rowsinset(0.00sec) mysql>insertintoL2(salary)values(5121321.283...
1、定义批量插入函数 CREATE PROCEDURE `batchInsert`(IN args INT) BEGIN DECLARE batch_size INT...
MySQL INSERT – insert multiple rows# In order to insert multiple rows into a table, you use the INSERT statement with the following syntax: 1 2 3 4 INSERT INTO table(column1,column2...) VALUES (value1,value2,...), (value1,value2,...), ...; In this form, the value list of...
因此我们需要选择第二种格式,才能从 Binlog 日志中解析出每一行数据。 在 row-based 格式下,Binlog 会记录每一条 binlog event 的时间戳、server id、偏移量等信息,如下面一条带有两条 insert 语句的事务: begin; insert into canal_test.test_tbl values (3, 300); ...
I'm looking for a way of inserting a range of values into multiple rows. I have two columns that I am inserting into - project (stays the same) and sceneno, which is where the values will increment from x-y. Basically I am trying to convert the very inefficient PHP code below into...