I'm looking for a way of inserting a range of values into multiple rows. I have two columns that I am inserting into - project (stays the same) and sceneno, which is where the values will increment from x-y. Basically I am trying to convert the very inefficient PHP code below into...
name) ); insert into t_vip(id,name,email) values(1,'zhangsan','zhangsan@123.com'); insert into t_vip(id,name,email) values(1,'lisi','lisi@123.com'); //错误:不能重复 insert into t_vip(id,name,email) values(1,'lisi','lisi@123.com'); ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry ...
从报错上看,字段vcsonbr中有多个值是614.。。。的数据,如果你要插入数据的表示空表,就把那空表删除,在试试用select * into tworkrelation_near from tworkrelation where vcsonbr='614742737724023902',将查询结果存入新表中。这样新表的结构也和老表一样,数据也可能正常写入。
Inserting Multiple Rows (3:18) 小结 VALUES ……里一行内数据用括号内逗号隔开,而多行数据用括号间逗号隔开 案例 插入多条运货商信息 USE sql_store INSERT INTO shippers (name) VALUES ('shipper1'), ('shipper2'), ('shipper3'); 1. 2. ...
When required to update multiple columns in multiple rows, we prefer using theCASEstatement because it is easier to understand and manage than the nestedIF()functions. UseINSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Example Code: INSERTINTOstudents(ID,JavaScore,PythonScore)VALUES(1,77,72),(2,...
MySQL INSERT – insert multiple rows# In order to insert multiple rows into a table, you use the INSERT statement with the following syntax: 1 2 3 4 INSERT INTO table(column1,column2...) VALUES (value1,value2,...), (value1,value2,...), ...; In this form, the value list of...
它指返回结果的行占需要读到的行(rows列的值)的百分比。 (10)extra字段说明 Extra是EXPLAIN输出中另外一个很重要的列,该列显示MySQL在查询过程中的一些详细信息。 一.准备数据 代码语言:javascript 复制 CREATETABLEusers(uidINTPRIMARYKEYAUTO_INCREMENT,unameVARCHAR(20),ageINT(11));INSERTINTOusersVALUES(NULL,'...
InnoDB磁盘结构主要包括表空间(Tablespaces)、数据字典(Data Dictionary)、双写缓冲区(Double Write Buffer)、重做日志(redo log)和撤销日志(undo log)。其中,表空间分为系统、独立、通用、Undo及临时表空间,分别用于存储不同类型的数据。数据字典从MySQL 8.0起
INSERTINTOstudent(stu_name,stu_age,stu_phone,stu_sex,stu_des)VALUES("Bill",20,"18888888888","male","Able to endure hardship");INSERTINTOstudent(stu_name,stu_age,stu_phone,stu_sex,stu_des)VALUES("Bob",25,"17777777777","male","There will be endless bitterness to eat");INSERTINTOstudent...
I'm looking for a way of inserting a range of values into multiple rows. I have two columns that I am inserting into - project (stays the same) and sceneno, which is where the values will increment from x-y. Basically I am trying to convert the very inefficient PHP code below into...