Touch Screen Receive input from the movement of the finger to control operations of the computer. Fingers transfer electrical currents to the computer. It is covered with a plastic layer. Stylus (Pen) It is a latin word which means stake or pointed object Small pen like device used to enter...
Likeaphotocopieritscansafullpagewithlaserlightbutinsteadofprintingcopies,ittransmitstheimagetothecomputerasdigitalcode,whichcanbesavedasafile.Ineffect,itperformstheexactoppositefunctiontoaprinterbyconvertingaprintedpageintoacomputerfile.精品文档 Speechsynthesiser Outputdeviceusedtohelppeoplewhocan’tseevisualoutputs...
Chapter3InputDevice ObjectiveAfterreadingthischapter,youshouldbeableto:Explaintheroleofinputdevices.Knowwhatthecommoninputdevicesare.Knowtheuseofthecommoninputdevice.3.1InputDevice Inputdevicesarehardwareusedtoprovideinputtothecomputer.Thepurposeofinputdevicesistocollectdataandconvertitintoaformsuitableforcomputer...
Input Devices An input device is any hardware component that allows you to enter data and instructions onto a computer. Six Widely used input devices are the keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, digital camera and PC video camera. Output Devices An output device is any hardware component that ...
•characterizesinteractivecomputergraphics:•Userseesanobjectonthedisplay•Userpointsto(picks)theobjectwithaninputdevice(lightpen,mouse,trackball)•Objectchanges(moves,rotates)•Repeat GRAPHICALINPUT •Devicescanbedescribedeitherby •Physicalproperties •Mouse•Keyboard•Trackball •LogicalProperties ...
INPUT DEVICE OF COMPUTER 优质文献 相似文献A METHOD, DEVICE, COMPUTER PROGRAM AND GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE FOR USER INPUT OF AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE 14. An electronic device comprising: a touch sensitive display for displaying a plurality of graphical items; detection means for detecting user input on ...
An input device for a computer comprises a housing adapted to fit within a PCMCIA chamber of a computer, the housing having a connector for connecting to a bus accessible within the PCMCIA chamber, a position sensor disposed in the housing; a transmitter disposed in the housing, capable of tr...
The invention relates to a computer input device in the form of a mouse and to methods for incorporating said mouse into different free bays of a notebook, a computer system unit, a keyboard or monitor. Said invention makes it possible to incorporate the mouse into different free bays of a...
相對於市場主流的CCD (Charge-Coupled Device)影像感測器而言,CMOS影像感測器因為有成本較低,整合容易及消耗功率較低的優點,近年來逐漸受到矚目。因為工作電壓較低所... 莊英傑 - 《電機資訊學院 - College of Electrical Engineering\\s&\\scomputer》 被引量: 0发表: 2001年 加载更多0关于...