Input and Output Devices -By Mohammad Shahinuzzaman METU 1905744 Input Devices An input device is any hardware component that allows you to enter data and instructions onto a computer. Six Widely used input devices are the keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, digital camera and PC video camera....
Chapter 2: Input & output Without some way of getting data in and information out, a computer is of little value. We often think of input and output devices in terms of those used by a modern laptop or desktop computer, but the use of input and output devices is much more varied. It...
Input Output devices输入输出设备.ppt,devices...Inputs and Output KeyboardThe commonest way to enter data into a computer. Each key is simply a switch, which when pressed, results in a digital code being sent to the computer. MouseThe movement of the mou
Information Input and Output信息的输入和输出.ppt,Presentation of Input Output Devices Prepared by Bernard, Angela Vivian Input Output Devices Tools for people to interact communicate with computers. Enter data using input devices Computer give us back th
输入输出设备(inputoutput device)简称io.ppt,第6章 输入、输出设备与技术 输入/输出设备(Input/Output Device)简称I/O设备,是计算机系统不可缺少的组成部分,是计算机与外部世界进行信息交换的中介,是人与计算机联系的桥梁。 根据外部设备的功能,可将外部设备分为输入
Input Output,Tanenbaum Chapter 5 Silberschatz Ch 12, 13,IO Hardware,Human readable used to communicate with the user vid
InputOutput 精品PPT课件
Activate your subscription Download unlimited PowerPoint templates, charts and graphics for your presentations with our annual plan. DOWNLOAD Template Tags: Input Input & Output Multiple Input Output Process Design Process Diagram Return to Turtle Diagram PowerPoint Template.Download...
输入输出设备(InputOutput Device)简称IO 第6章输入、输出设备与技术 输入/输出设备(Input/OutputDevice)简称I/O设备,是计算机系统不可缺少的组成部分,是计算机与外部世界进行信息交换的中介,是人与计算机联系的桥梁。根据外部设备的功能,可将外部设备分为输入设备和输出设备。键盘和鼠标等是常见的输入设备。显示器...