Otherdevices Magneticinkcharacterrecognition-usesinkcontainingmagneticparticles.Thismethodisusedbybankstoprintonachequetheamountthatitismadeoutfor,thenitisscannedintoacomputer.Printers-outputtextandimagetopaper.Dotmatrixisoldfashionednoisy,likeatypewriter.Inkjetusesliquidinkthatissquirtedatthepaper.Laserprintersworklike...
Input and Output Devices -By Mohammad Shahinuzzaman METU 1905744 Input Devices An input device is any hardware component that allows you to enter data and instructions onto a computer. Six Widely used input devices are the keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, digital camera and PC video camera....
Chapter 2: Input and output devices OCR GCSE Computing Chapter 2: Input and output devices OCR GCSE Computing © Hodder Education 2013 Slide 1 Chapter 2: Input & output Without some way of getting data in and information out, a computer is of little value. We often think of input and o...
输入和输出设备inputandoutputdevices.docx,(六)审俞入和(Input and Output Devices) 翰入(Input Devices) 输入是向fSKBAtttt及指令的硬件,数at及指令可途彳至入 翰入媒n CPU 直接翰入 k ( Keyboard) 是最普遍使用的输入ISfil,特别通宜输入 文字 数字 。 数字mi (Numeric K
. . mouse keyboard PCI bus floppy drive ATAPI devices Software I/O Techniques Polling (programmed I/O) send command and wait Interrupt Driven I/O send command and continue Direct Memory Access (DMA) Use separate processor to manage I/O cs431-cotter * Polling CPU determines state of I/O ...
Input Output,Tanenbaum Chapter 5 Silberschatz Ch 12, 13,IO Hardware,Human readable used to communicate with the user vid
输入输出设备(InputOutput Device)简称IO 第6章输入、输出设备与技术 输入/输出设备(Input/OutputDevice)简称I/O设备,是计算机系统不可缺少的组成部分,是计算机与外部世界进行信息交换的中介,是人与计算机联系的桥梁。根据外部设备的功能,可将外部设备分为输入设备和输出设备。键盘和鼠标等是常见的输入设备。显示器...
Error conditions (devices respond to errors differently) cs431-cotter * cs431-cotter * Figure 5-1. Some typical device, network, and bus data rates. I/O Devices Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems 3 e, (c) 2008 Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 0-13-6006639 ...
Output Programming High level Input/Output Programming Call operating system functions Windows API , DOS , BIOS, Linux Low level Input/Output Programming IN/OUT instructions Only used in real mode Win32 Console I/O using kernel32.lib Windows operating system treat input/output devices and disk ...
devicesoutputinputveratileexaminkjet InputandOutputdevices Inputdevicesputdataintothecomputer. Outputdevicesprocessdataoutofthecomputer.LO:Recogniseandcompareinputandoutputandstoragedevices.Learningoutcome:Givecorrectresponsetoexam-typequestionsLesson1ExamplesofinputdevicesKeyboardMouseTouchpadTrackerballWebcam/videodigitiser...