set lib_cell [get_lib_cells -q */${new_ref_name}] if {![sizeof_collection $lib_cell]} { set dnum 4 regsub -all "D.*BWP6T" $ref_name "D${dnum}BWP6T" new_ref_name } #如果lib中没有X4尺寸的cell,则替换成X3尺寸的cell set lib_cell [get_lib_cells -q */${new_ref_name}]...
innovus 250> *ANTEN*ANTENNABWP7T40P140下面小编再分享一个根据innovus天线检查报告来自动修复antenna violation的golden脚本。1)首先在innovus中输入如下命令报出中天线violation的报告verifyProcessAntenna -report antenna.rpt这个antenna violation report的格式如下:n7 (2)U8 (AND2XL) B...
在place阶段禁止使用某些stdcell,例如antenna cell、delay cell、最大驱动强度、最小驱动强度cell等 set_dont_use [get_lib_cells -q $DVAR(pl,dont_use)] true 5.设置Tie-cell的fanout和distance setTieHiLoMode -maxFanout $tie_max_fanout setTieHiLoMode -maxDistance $tie_max_distance 6.设置analysis typ...
ICC2:create_keepout_margin -type hard -outer "3.6 0.576 3.6 0.576" [get_lib_cells "*/*CLK* "]Innovus:specifyCellPad CLK* -top 1 -bottom 1 -left 2 -right 2ICC2无论是给Instance还是给Cell加Padding,用的都是create_keepout_margin命令,而Innovus有两个命令,分别是specifyInstPad和specifyCellPad。
Get database units dbGet head.dbUnits Get the manufacturing grid dbGet head.mfgGrid Get physical only cells such as filler cell, end cap cell, and so on dbGet [dbGet -p top.insts.isPhysOnly 1].name Report Dont Touch instances:
reportPowerDomain 还有许多option, 如-shifter/ -isoInst/ -pgNet, 分别可以用于check 指定power domain 中所有的level shifter cells, isolation cells 以及power/ ground nets. verifyPowerVia VerifyPowerVia 可做许多power-rail overlap check 用以找出power-grid missing vias. 例如要check 非相邻层之间是否缺少via...
-libName DesignLib -units2000-mode ALL# write no power netlistremove_assigns deleteEmptyModule saveNetlist output/${TOP_NAME}_power.v -includePowerGround -flat# write power netlistsaveNetlist output/${TOP_NAME}_nopow.v -flat;# Flatten, for designsaveNetlist output/${TOP_NAME}_apr.v;# Not...
Get all instTerm names that are tied to tieLo cells dbGet [dbGet -p [dbGet -p2 top.insts.cell.subClass coreTieLo] 1].name Change the routing status of a net (for example, from FIXED to ROUTED)
namedbGet [dbGet top.nets.isPwrOrGnd 1 -p].name #获取design中所有power/ground的名字dbGet [dbGet top.insts.dontTouch true -p].name #获取design中所有don't touch的instance namedbGet [dbGet head.libCells.dontUse true -p].name #获取design中don't use celldbGet [dbGetCellByName cellName]...
```dbGet [dbGet -p head.libCells.subClass].name```For example, to get namesofwell tap cells (specifiedas‘CLASS CORE WELLTAP ‘inLEF), you can use the following command:```dbGet [dbGet -p head.libCells.subClass coreWellTap].name```Similarly, to get namesoftie high / tie low cells...