= "" } {set ant_cell_name ${ant_cell_name}_} else {break}}create_cell $ant_cell_name */${antenna_diode_lib_cell}connect_net -net $tgt_net ${ant_cell_name}/${antenna_diode_pin}set_attribute [get_cells $ant_cell_name] origin $tgt_pin_coordset_attribute [get_cells $ant_cell_...
set lib_cell [get_lib_cells -q */${new_ref_name}] if {![sizeof_collection $lib_cell]} { set dnum 4 regsub -all "D.*BWP6T" $ref_name "D${dnum}BWP6T" new_ref_name } #如果lib中没有X4尺寸的cell,则替换成X3尺寸的cell set lib_cell [get_lib_cells -q */${new_ref_name}]...
获得Net的routing rule get_attr [get_nets xxx] routing_rule get_db net:$net_name .route_rule.name 或者Instance的ref name get_attr [get_cells $inst_name] ref_name get_db inst:$inst_name .base_cell.name get_property [get_cells $inst_name] ref_name 定义proc的属性和参数 define_proc_at...
dbGet [dbGet -p head.libCells.subClass coreWellTap].name dbGet [dbGet -p head.libCells.subClass coreTieHigh].name 打印出设计中所有module名字 foreach module_name [dbGet top.hInst.treeHInsts.cell.name] { Puts "$module_name" } Get 到设计中所有leaf cells foreach leaf_name [dbGet -u top....
Get database units dbGet head.dbUnits Get the manufacturing grid dbGet head.mfgGrid Get physical only cells such as filler cell, end cap cell, and so on dbGet [dbGet -p top.insts.isPhysOnly 1].name Report Dont Touch instances:
Evaluate the benefits and challenges of useful skew vs. a skew-balanced clock Implement the clock tree using CCOpt technology using the generated constraints Specify clock properties to customize the clock tree, including: Defining route types, CTS cells, stop and ignore pins ...
Get all instTerm names that are tied to tieLo cells dbGet [dbGet -p [dbGet -p2 top.insts.cell.subClass coreTieLo].instTerms.net.allTerms.isInput 1].name Change the routing status of a net (for example, from FIXED to ROUTED)
namedbGet [dbGet top.nets.isPwrOrGnd 1 -p].name #获取design中所有power/ground的名字dbGet [dbGet top.insts.dontTouch true -p].name #获取design中所有don't touch的instance namedbGet [dbGet head.libCells.dontUse true -p].name #获取design中don't use celldbGet [dbGetCellByName cellName]...
```dbGet [dbGet -p head.libCells.subClass].name```For example, to get namesofwell tap cells (specifiedas‘CLASS CORE WELLTAP ‘inLEF), you can use the following command:```dbGet [dbGet -p head.libCells.subClass coreWellTap].name```Similarly, to get namesoftie high / tie low cells...
因为是postmask,所以不能加减stdcell,但可以用spare cells来映射。今天重点来介绍在Innovus里实现ECO Route需要怎么操作。 第一步:读入设计,并替换新网表 source design.enc.dat/design.globals set init_verilog design_pr_eco.v init_design 第二步:读入老def,对比网表差异 ...