This survey is intended to inform non-expert readers about the field of recommender systems, particularly collaborative filtering, through the lens of the impactful Netflix Prize competition. Readers will quickly be brought up to speed on pivotal recommender systems advances through the Netflix Prize,...
A gene can be thought of as a string of information where we know all the information for the reference strand since all positions in the reference should be benign. We may also know that all frameshift and nonsense variants that result in missing functional domains Fig. 1 Conversion ...
Ekstrand MD, Riedl JT, Konstan JA (2011) Collaborative filtering recommender systems. Now Publishers Inc, pp 175–243 Herlocker JL, Konstan JA, Borchers A et al (1999) An algorithmic framework for performing collaborative filtering. In: International acm sigir conference on research and developme...
Extending the social exchange theory which emphasizes trust and dependence as important in building and maintaining relationships, exchange specific characteristics (relationship investments and benefits) are additionally posited here as critical antecedents in knowledge sharing relationship among IT service team...
For the same DNA modification, the presence or absence of a modified nucleotide can be considered as a digital bit "1" and "0" along the oligonucleotide strand. Therefore, DNA modification sequences can be logically regarded as binary sequences. On the other hand, nanopores can precisely ...
These three dimensions form a cube where a specific phenomenon or prUorcbUeanrsbsSancii.Ss2c0i.e128m0,128b,,xe2,FdxOdFROePRdEP.EERETRRhERVeEIVEtWIiEmWe reveals when the phenomenon is occurring, the s88pooaffc11e44 is the scale of the phenomenon (e.g., local, regional, global), and ...