Intentional LearningLearning ProcessesMental RetardationMild Mental RetardationPaired Associate LearningIntentional and incidental learning are investigated developmentally and comparatively, using a paired associate learning task. Subjects consisted of retarded children, ages ten, thirteen and sixteen years; mental...
摘要: CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Incidental and intentional learning 关键词: incidental learning intentional learning psychological literature language learning cognitive psychology 出版时间: 1982 ISBN: 9780470756492 ...
First, Part A examines the difference between different modes of presentation, incidental and intentional learning of new vocabularies (i.e., incidental, etymology-based intentional, and meaning-based intentional), and acquisition of new vocabularies. Part B investigates the impact of the use of ... International Association of Research in Foreign Language Education and Applied Linguistics ELT Research Journal 2012, 1(1), 71-79 ISSN: Intentional vs. incidental vocabulary learning Jameel Ahmad Jeddah Community College, KAU, Saudi Arabia Abstract This paper explores the ...
Kuhn G, Dienes Z (2006) Differences in the types of musical regularity learnt in incidental- and intentional-learning conditions . The Quaterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 : 1725–1744Kuhn G, Dienes Z. Differences in the types of musical regularity learnt in incidental- and intentional...
It is now widely believed that in the short-term retention of verbal material, both primary memory (PM) and secondary memory (SM) mechanisms are involved. In the experiments reported here an attempt was made to separate the PM and SM components in immediate free recall. The first experiment ...
L2 Vocabulary Acquisition Through Reading--Incidental Learning and Intentional Learning Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press)Guo Yali
3.In the field of SLA, research about incidental and intentional vocabulary learning has received much attention abroad and has found the superiority of the incidental learning over intentional learning.二语习得研究领域,词汇伴随学习和有意学习在国外备受关注,国外的许多研究证实了在词汇记忆方面伴随学习比有...
This study is conducted to demonstrate the knowledge of intentional learning and incidental learning. Hypothesis of this experiment is intentional learning is better than incidental learning, participants were demonstrated and were asked to learn the 10
In the field of SLA, research about incidental and intentional vocabulary learning has received much attention abroad and has found the superiority of the incidental learning over intentional learning. 二语习得研究领域,词汇伴随学习和有意学习在国外备受关注,国外的许多研究证实了在词汇记忆方面伴随学习比有...