In vivo coding is a form of qualitative data analysis that places emphasis on the actual spoken words of the participants. This form of coding can be especially helpful when researchers interact with participants from a particular culture or microculture to help highlight how those participants use...
MAXQDA Tip of the month: In-vivo coding In-vivo coding: What does this mean? The term in-vivo comes from grounded theory research and means that words or terms used by the interviewees are so remarkable that they should be taken as codes. In-vivo coding adds these terms of the ...
However,ciseQTL interactions with physiologic environmental factors in humans have been challenging to discover in vivo [19,20,21,22,23] even with large cohorts [11,17]. Success at findingciseQTL interactions has largely been found in studies using model organisms [24,25] or treating cells in ...
Data were represented in a 3D scatter-plot (Figure 2b), colour- coding the different points (neurons) based on the total RGB perceived brightness using the RGB to grayscale equation, in which colours are weighted according to their black-white intensity, and calculated as (0.299xR)1(0.587xG...
Automatic coding in dataset sources NVivo for Mac | Switch to NVivo 11 for Windows You can use auto coding to organize dataset content into case nodes or theme nodes for further exploration. This topic explains how auto coding works in different types of datasets and explains how to get ...
NVivo 11 for Windows | Switch to NVivo for Mac This topic will get you started with coding picture sources—refer to Coding techniques for more detailed information.What do you want to do?Understand what you can code in a picture source Code at a node See what you have coded ...
Opposite-sex attraction in most mammals depends on the fine-tuned integration of pheromonal stimuli with gonadal hormones in the brain circuits underlying sexual behaviour. Neural activity in these circuits is regulated by sensory processing in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), the first central stat...
The data collected through interviews were analysed thorough content analysis and subsequent concept coding using NVivo v.12.0 (Saldaña, 2016). The deductive and inductive approaches to qualitative data analysis give a comprehensive methodology. To make sense of the entire set of facts and understan...
and an in vivo system is needed to definitively define a gene’s function. So the physiological function of human protein-coding genes is often studied in animals particularly mice in which over 90% of human protein-coding genes are conserved. Unfortunately, an in vivo experimental system that ...
(with notable exceptions15,28,29). These examples do not necessarily replicate plasmid fitness effects in natural bacterial hosts, which remain largely unexplored. Second, studies tend to analyse the fitness effects of a single plasmid in a single bacterium. However, plasmid fitness effects can ...