Epigenetic clocks are mathematically derived age estimators that are based on combinations of methylation values that change with age at specific CpGs in the genome. These clocks are widely used to measure the age of tissues and cells1,2. The discrepancy
thermal radiation det thermal ratio thermal refined steel thermal resistivity thermal resolution thermal s thermal spray coating thermal structure mod thermal tension thermal thunder showe thermal transmittance thermal transmittance thermal vias thermal weld thermal-insulating va thermal-insulating va thermalconta...
Diabetes, a group of metabolic disorders, constitutes an important global health problem. Diabetes and its complications place a heavy financial strain on both patients and the global healthcare establishment. The lack of effective treatments contributes
In addition, the supplementation of oil with appropriate degree of saturation to the diets has the potential to improve pork quality [4]. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids (U:S) of oil is one of the important determinants of the fat digestibility, and the U:S showed a ...
microRNAs;adipose tissue;rats;sucrose;target prediction;nutritional genomics;high sucrose diet 1. Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) developed guidance on the consumption of free sugars based on the effect of free sugar intake on weight gain. For adults and children, the intake of free...
In this study, we raised the following research question: What is the more important factor related to n-3 consumption in dyslipidemia and atherogenic risks in ob/ob mice: (1) the ratio of n-6/n-3 PUFAs or (2) the absolute amount of n-3 PUFAs consumption? The ob/ob mice are ...
In Stage 2, the go signal was delivered on a variable intertrial interval schedule (VITI: 3–7 s). Subsequent stages (3 and 4) incorporated no-go, as well as go, signals that were delivered with a VITI schedule: the ratio of go:no‑go signals was 2:1 during Stage 3 and 5:1 ...
The body weights of rats were measured before the test, one week after, and at sacrifice after fasting. Food consumption was measured once a week during the experiment. After 90 days of DHA-Na exposure and the recovery, all the animals were euthanized by exsanguination from the abdominal ...
In particular, they revealed that the animals that succeeded with the most challenging distractors were those that integrated the wider variety of discriminative features into their perceptual strategies. Critically, these strategies were largely preserved when the rats were required to discriminate ...
As the experiment progressed, some rats in the model group displayed slight diarrhea and hair loss; however, no significant differences in the mean body weight of the animals were detected between the two groups at any point of the experiment. The histopathological analysis of the articular cartila...