How do you say in Japanese 'what is the meaning of ...?' 教科書に書いてある例文は「大阪は食べ物が美味しいです」に基づいて、「日本は富士山が綺麗です」とか「日本は富士山が有名です」とか挙げたら、自然ですか。そして、「大阪の食べ物が美味しいです」「日...Newest...
一个由电力支持的发热的大铁钉 A superheated spike shot out by power charges. 那不容易啊 Yes but thats not gonna be easy... 这些是什么 Whats this stuff? 我们只是 We were just... sort of... 在没事做交换下想法 fooling around with some ideas. 让我看看 Lets have a look. 我会选火焰...
ions of dollars are being spent on homeless. More is being spent than ever before, but the number of those experiencing homelessne ss continues to climb.译文:加州的做法有点不对劲,但这肯定不是缺钱。数十亿美元被花在了无家可归者身上。花费比 以往任何时候都多,但无家可归者的数量持续攀升。1、...