1. Calculate the number of hours worked by employees for the given time period. 2. Divide the total number of hours worked by the hours that a full-time employee would work for that given time period. 3. The quotient is the number of full-time equivalents. One full-time employee is...
Share of voice or the percentage of coverage for your brand compared to competitors and is the favorite KPI among competitive, growth-minded CEOs. You must prove that your campaign drastically improved your Share of Voice during the campaign and during the pre and post-campaign stages. It’s ...
for further employees down the hierarchy. To measure the Key Result Areas, proper KPI (Key performance indicator) should be aligned with the each area to see if the desired outcomes are being achieved.Importance of Key Result Areas (KRAs)...
You can foster corporate social responsibility by first polling your employees and customers about what matters most to them. Then, look for local charities aligning with those issues and set up work days for team members to volunteer there. How to identify and measure customer perception As much...
and bottom quartiles, then ran regressions. These tests showed large differences between the best and worst managers in terms of team productivity, employee happiness, and employee turnover. Good managers make Google more money and create happier employees, but what makes a good manager at Google...
has been known to improve employee productivity, closed-loop feedbackensures employees learn from mistakes and take the appropriate steps to recover any at-risk customers. What’s more, having a sense of immediacy to respond to feedback ensures that employees are made aware of their errors while...
Business metrics are also a way to communicate the health of your business, which is especially helpful if you want to showcase performance to investors, creditors, shareholders, employees, and other types of stakeholders. On a regulatory level, certain types of business metrics can prove that yo...
Without a system in place, it can be difficult for your team to stay within schedule because of the lack of a set guideline on what should be accomplished by who and when. Time is lost when employees report to work without knowing the tasks they should be doing. This often affects one...
When Slack was in its early stages, many companies would try to stop employees from using it, saying it was against corporate security guidelines. Employees were so unwilling to do without the product, however, that companies were forced to find a way to accommodate their demands. ...