Any of various plants of the genusImpatiens,especially several species that are widely cultivated for their colorful flowers and attractive foliage. Also calledbalsam. [Latinimpatiēns,impatient (so called because the ripe pods burst open when touched); seeimpatient.] ...
However, they found significant relationships for the total numbers of M. euphorbiae caught in traps and the total number of alates on plants (r2 = 0.83) and the total aphid population on plants (r2 = 0.69) for 1 year of the study. When they observed the immigration period data, they ...
The highest dry weight accumulation in plants from the 50 plugs tray and the relationship with post-sale behaviour was discussed.A. BenedettoR. KlasmanEuropean Journal of Horticultural ScienceDI BENEDETTO, A. and R. KLASMAN 2004: The effect of plug cell volume on the post-transplant growth ...
Another object of the invention is to provide a method for the breeding of double-flowering New Guinea Impatiens plants that produce one or more flowers with at least 7 full or partial petals per flower comprising the steps of (a) crossing a first double-type plant, either as the male or...