‘Baseline’ bees received an arbitrary parameter set specifying the color and number of S+ and S− flower types, and the sugar-water reward for visiting the two flower types. Three groups of comparison bees each differed from baseline by manipulating one of the three signal parameters: ...
A tag is placed on each pollinated flower on which is recorded the date of pollination and the identity of male and female parents. The seed pods from successful pollinations are placed in glasine bags approximately three weeks after pollination. The glasine bags catch seeds released upon ...
Impatiens will readily self-seed themselves, even in colder climates, though it might take most of the following year's growing season before the seeds produce flowering plants. For this reason, it is easier to propagate impatiens fromcuttingstaken in the fall. Here's how to propagate impatiens...
I. walleriana has fleshy, succulent leaves and stems and a variety of flower colors. One of the major obstacles in I. walleriana production, transport and sale display is the plants’ tendency to wilt quickly when exposed to drought [3,4,5]. Drought is one of the most adverse stresses, ...