(2012), who treated tomato seeds with JA. Plants grown from these seeds were more resistant to a number of arthropods, including aphids, than non-treated plants. They also found that this seed priming did not reduce plant growth, suggesting it to be explored for commercial use. A final ...
[1880–85; < New Latin, Latinimpatiēnsnot tolerating (seeimpatient); alluding to the plant's quick release of seeds upon slight contact] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
When the seed pods of this plant are ripe they explode at the slightest touch and shoot their seeds out a distance of several feet. The unusually shaped flower is especially adapted for pollination by hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Crushed leaves and stems are a well known folk remedy ...
Crosses were made among the best selections for semi-doubleness and doubleness and the seeds produced were sown. The seedling population which resulted showed improvement for plant type and habit but very little progress in increasing the degree of doubleness per flower or plant (generation 3). ...
Impatiens will readily self-seed themselves, even in colder climates, though it might take most of the following year's growing season before the seeds produce flowering plants. For this reason, it is easier to propagate impatiens fromcuttingstaken in the fall. Here's how to propagate impatiens...
Seeds were planted in 3 L pots (one seed per pot) filed with well-moistened commercial substrate Floradur B Pot Medium-Coarse (Floragard, Oldenburg, Germany) and covered with cling wrap to assure high humidity. After seed germination (3–4 days), the pots were regularly vented a few h ...