This maritime law course lays out the history and functions of the UN’s International Maritime Organization and explains its marine codes and conventions.
Conventions and Codes: SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Line, BWM, Polar Code, IMSBC Code, ESP Code, etc. Date of entry into force References to the MSC or MEPC Resolution Amendments entering into force in 2025-2026All Ships Bulk Carriers & Oil Tankers ...
Guidelines For Implementation Of Statutory Surveys - Part 1: Interpretations Of Imo Conventions And Codes (Ships Engaged On International Voyages Part 1)
10. Unified interpretation to provisions of IMO safety, security, and environment-related conventions 11. 修订在发生火灾或水浸事故后评估客船系统能力的临时说明(MSC.1/Circ.1369)和相关通函 11. Revision of the Interim explanatory notes for the ass...
14.Unified interpretation of provisions of IMO safety, security and environment-related conventions 15.制定条款以禁止在船上使用含有全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)的泡沫灭火剂进行消防 15.Development of provisions to prohibit the use of fire-fighting ...
A list is provided of the certificates required by various IMO conventions and codes. The number of certificates carried depends upon the ship, the voyage being undertaken and the cargoes carried. No ship is likely to be required to carry them all. 关键词: Certification Documents International co...
Checking Compliance, documentation and lawfulness ‘Survey and Certification’ module contains certificates’ specimens required to communicate to the Organization by Administrations under the provisions of relevant IMO conventions and codes. List of certificates is available in electronic form, along with...
The Polar Code is mandatory for certain ships under the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions. While SOLAS Chapter V (Safety of navigation) applies to all ships on all voyages (with some specific exceptions), the other chapters of the Convention do not apply to some categories of ships, including cargo...
attention to the need for greater ‘Cargo Integrity’, by which is meant the safe, secure and environmentally sound packing, handling and transport of all goods in containers and other transport units, in compliance with conventions (such as SOLAS) and codes, including IMDG Code and the CTU Co...
Conventions, Agreements, Protocols, Amendments, codes, Guidelines, Proposals, recommendations, resolutions, circulars, circular letters, notes verbales, certified copies, procès-verbaux of rectification, documents 实体类 形式类 非强制 强制 Yard of Choice ...