Still, in the case of vessels, they are on a much more extensive scale owing to the time, complexity of operations, large number of stakeholders, and a litany of reasons at various levels. The SMCP guidelines were adopted by IMO in 1977 as a replacement for the Standard Marine Navigation ...
Before we dig in, I also want to add the long list of codes typically used by some companies when advertising their products, and for which you can understand what they are from the name and the acryonymics directly. Those inlcude A2DP, which is the Advanced Audio Distribut...
All gas tanker ships are designed and constructed based on the International Maritime Organization’s set of rules called the IMO Gas Codes, which take into account all aspects of hazard, safety, and proper storage of the cargo. Gas Tanker Ships Based Onpressurisation and temperature system of ...
The Polar Code, formally known as the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters, is a set of regulations developed and established by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Its role is to safeguard lives, property, and the environment in the challenging and potentially hazardous...
Status codes.Healthylogs should consist mostly of status 200s and 301s (304s can also appear if you’re using a cache policy). If any other status codes appear in considerably large numbers, it’s time to worry. You should look for 404, 401, and403 pages,as well as 5xx errors. The...
USPS definitely was less for smaller or flat rate packages but not a whole lot of my shipments are small. UPS gave me a decent negotiated price right away and has gotten a little better each year. I do use USPS but for international shipping only which IMO cant be beat compare to UPS,...
Ten years later, those codes are still flying around. People who never saw them, but logging Discovered. - She'd love to know who "shared" with others ... Lesson learned. The site says they frown on virtual "finds" on trackables, but it's really up to the Trackable Owner if ...
IMO, it shouldn't be migrated and cross-site duplicates are allowed. –Mast Commented May 16, 2017 at 8:31 8 These is soooooooooooo weird times; I fear official governments much more than I fear "private" criminals. –Uwe Keim Commented May 16, 2017 at 11:29 1 Ironically eno...
(IMO) There are two main GC approaches that can be used. Note: If your heap is larger than 4GB it is recommended to use G1 CMS -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC This optionuses mutliple threads to attempt to do GC in the background as to avoid application stopping. If you experience Intellij beco...
Date and time are important. When I report errors, I state concisely what was called, what happened, and what error codes came back. If it's errno, I also report back strerror(errno). I'm reading this to find a problem, and usually I'm in a screaming hurry to find the pro...