applicabletoand,ifpossible,subdivideitaccordingtothechaptersoftherelevant conventions;itshouldalsoindicate,foreachinstrument,itslegalcharacter,i.e.whether itisalegallybindingorrecommendatoryinstrument; .2preparethelistintheformofasmalldatabase(i.e.Access); ...
(ISM)CODEBY ADMINISTRATIONS 主管机关实施ISM规则的修正导则 为协助主管机关实施ISMCode,对ISMCode中适用范围、有关认证和验 证标准和程序给出了明确说明 6 A.1073(28) RECOMMENDATIONONTHEUSEOFNATIONAL TONNAGEINAPPLYINGINTERNATIONALCONVENTIONS 国家吨位适用于国际公约建议 为维护现有船舶适用69吨位公约的统一实施,合并...
Analysis of delegation size was based on the list of participants in each session; of the 47 IMO members, an average of more than 1000 delegates per MSC or MEPC session were processed (details follow). Influence and transparency at the IMO: the name of the game 157 3.1...
of the amendments to the IMO instruments referred to in the Code which have entered into force or become effective since the adoption of resolution A.1054(27), Recognizing also that parties to the relevant international conventions have, as part of the ratification process, agreed to fully meet...
IMO 出版物 IMO PUBLICATION 基本出版物 IB001E - Basic Documents: Volume I, 2010 Edition This edition incorporates amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization up to December 2009.It also includes amendments to the Rules of Procedure of:- the Assembly up to December 2009;...
The calendar is full of conventions and NaNoWriMo events. My ability to focus on a long project becomes fractured, so I use this time to write as many short stories as I can so that I have a backlog of work to submit to magazines and anthologies. ...
The description in this GENERAL PROVISIONS to be applied to all parts of the Specification, whereas in the parts the description to be applied to the respective parts, if not stated otherwise. 除说明外,总述中的描述适用于规格书的所有部分,而对各分节的描述适用于分节部分。 ”Makers List” The ...
Awesome-ARKit - A curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute. AR-Source - AR开发资料汇总. ARShooter - A demo Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit in Swift (iOS 11) SmileToUnlock - This library uses ARKit Face Tracking...