Immune Cell Atlas 数据集通常包含多种免疫细胞类型,常见的有: 1.T 细胞:如 CD4+ T 细胞(包括 Th1、Th2、Th17 等亚型)、CD8+ T 细胞、调节性 T 细胞等。 2. B 细胞:包括初始 B 细胞、记忆 B 细胞、浆细胞等。 3. 自然杀伤(NK)细胞。 4. 巨噬细胞:如 M1 型、M2 型等。 5. 树突状细胞:包括...
以下是一些可用于分析 Immune Cell Atlas 数据集的工具和方法: 1. **Seurat**:这是一个常用的 R 包,用于单细胞 RNA 测序数据的分析,包括数据预处理、降维、聚类、差异表达分析等。 2. **Scanpy**:Python 中的单细胞分析库,提供了一系列数据分析和可视化的功能。 3. **Monocle**:用于构建单细胞的拟时序轨...
1. 访问 Biostars 网站:打开您的浏览器,输入 Biostars 的网址( )。 2. 注册或登录:如果您是第一次使用,需要注册一个账号。如果已有账号,直接登录。 3. 搜索相关主题:在网站的搜索栏中输入关键词,如 "Immune Cell Atlas 数据偏差评估" 或相关的更具体的关键词,以查找是否已经有...
表达数量性状基因座 (eQTLs) 分析揭示了在免疫条件以及细胞类型背景下 eQTLs 效应的动态变化,这种细胞类型特异性的、和环境相关的 eQTLs 显示出与免疫疾病相关的遗传变异的显着富集,并且与疾病相关的细胞类型、基因和环境有关。此外,作者开发了网站ImmuNexUT(Immune Cell Gene Expression Atlas from the University of ...
“Our multi-tissue immune cell atlas is a step towards understanding how the immune system functions throughout the entire body and is an important contribution towards the Human Cell Atlas. In addition to creating a new resource for researchers to classify different cell types, our work will ...
An Atlas for Immune Cells in SkinThe article discusses research on the development of a three-dimensional (3D) model which illustrates immune cell distribution, conducted by Philip Tong and colleagues, published in an online ...
utilized mass cytometry to provide an immune cell atlas associated with early-stage lung cancer.173 They uncovered an immunosuppressive microenvironment by observing a significant reduction in CD8 effector T cells, accompanied by the expansion of Tregs and exhausted T cells at the tumor sites. ...
et al. A single-cell atlas of the tumor and immune ecosystem of human breast cancer. Cell 177, 1330–1345.e18 (2019). This study uses mass cytometry to analyse breast cancer samples to provide a comprehensive atlas of immune cell composition and phenotype in the TME and relationship with ...
Single cell atlas of human gastric muscle immune cells and macrophage-driven changes in idiopathic gastroparesis Summary Gastrointestinal immune cells , particularly muscularis macrophages (MM) interact with the enteric nervous system and influence gastrointestinal motility . Here we determine the human ...
Figure 1. Multi-tissue and multi-stage single-cell atlas of COVID-19 patients and healthy controls (A) Flowchart depicting the overall experimental design of this study. Cells circled with dash lines were enriched in samples from the disease progression stage. ...