Graphene Balloon Yields Unprecedented Images of Hydrated Protein MoleculesMarcia Goodrich image of an object as it would appear if viewed in a mirror. object having a spatial arrangement corresponding to another object except that the right-to-left sense on one object corresponds to the left-to-right sense on the other. ...
The scientists said that their tool, an optical microresonator, is 280× more sensitive than current industry-standard biosensors, which can detect only cumulative effects of groups of particles, not individual molecules. Microresonators are central to a new method for single-particle photothermal ...
The team found that the protective outer membrane of the bacteria contains dense networks of protein building blocks alternated by patches that do not appear to contain proteins. Instead, these patches are enriched in molecules with sugary chains (glycolipids) that keep the outer membrane tight. Thi...
Integration is achieved by configuring each approach as a general measure of protein distance, then calibrating the two measures using machine learning. The map, known as the multi-scale integrated cell (MuSIC 1.0), resolves 69 subcellular systems, of which approximately half are to our knowledge ...
This problem arises naturally when analyzing the composition of organic macromolecules using data gathered from their NMR spectra. Using a neural network approach, excellent results are obtained in using NMR data to analyze the presence of various amino acids in protein molecules. High correct ...
Cell segmentation and classification are critical tasks in spatial omics data analysis. Here we introduce CelloType, an end-to-end model designed for cell segmentation and classification for image-based spatial omics data. Unlike the traditional two-stag
Cytoskeletal proteins function as dynamic and complex components in many aspects of cell physiology and the maintenance of cell structure. However, very little is known about the coordinated system of these proteins. The knowledge of subcellular localiza
Non–Contact Atomic Force Microscopy with CO–functionalized metal tips (referred to as HR-AFM) provides access to the internal structure of individual molecules adsorbed on a surface with totally unprecedented resolution. Previous works have shown that
Modern microscopes create a data deluge with gigabytes of data generated each second, and terabytes per day. Storing and processing this data is a severe bottleneck, not fully alleviated by data compression. We argue that this is because images are proce