mate pair测序的DNA文库是将很长的DNA进行环化,环化的接口处连接识别序列,然后打断,富集含有识别序列的DNA,再进行双向测序,那么双向测序的插入片段长度就会很长。而pair end是直接在DNA两端假设接头进行双向测序,插入片段长度较短,这样的话,mate pair可以测更长的片段。
在Illumina科学家Karine Martinez-Viaud和约翰霍普金斯大学Aleksey Zimin的领导下,研究人员利用Illumina测序数据和几种新的文库制备技术,包括10x Genomics的Linked-Reads、mate pairs、long insert配对末端和标准配对末端,来改善宽吻海豚的基因组组装。 他们利用商业化的DeNovoMAGIC™组装软件,产生了两个版本的组装。一个是...
We present an alternative mate-paired protocol, demonstrated using Illumina sequencing platforms, combining the specificity of hybridisation and ligation, to circularise fragments with high yield. An adapter sequence is incorporated between the junction site of the mate pairs, the length of which is ...
Trimmomatic等通常的质控软件。 Long Mate Pair libraries 接头序列:technote_nextera_matepair_data_processing.pdf 针对此类数据的处理软件主要是:nextclip和skewer,从文章结果来看后者略优。【Skewer: a fast and accurate adapter trimmer for next-generation sequencing paired-end reads】 处理软件:nextclip (同时...
%MappedinPairs: Thepercentageofreadswhosematepairwasalsoalignedtothereference.%Duplication: Thepercentageofmappedsequencethatismarkedasduplicate. %Chimeras: Thepercentageofreadsthatmapoutsideofamaximuminsertsizeorthathavethetwoendsmappingtodifferentchromosomes.ThisdataillustratesthattheNEBNextUltraIIDNALibraryPrepKit...
Target enrichment by PCR, also known asamplicon sequencing, relies on highlymultiplexed PCRto amplify DNA sequences corresponding to target regions. As many as 24,000 primer pairs, each pair designed to amplify a specific region, ...
The default behaviour expects fastq files from a Nextera Mate-Pair library kit in reverse-forward orientation. Output: Based on the location of the Nextera junction adapter (if detected), nxtrim produces four different "virtual libraries": mp: read pairs that are large insert-size mate-pairs,...
% Mapped in Pairs: The percentage of reads whose mate pair was also aligned to the reference. % Duplication: The percentage of mapped sequence that is marked as duplicate. % Chimeras: The percentage of reads that map outside of a maximum insert size or that have the two ends mapping to ...
By default, HipSTR therefore removes all reads without mate pairs. However, if your dataset only contains single-ended reads, specify the use-unpaired option to avoid performing this filtering. Can I use HipSTR to analyze PCR-amplified reads? Yes. As HipSTR was designed to analyze WGS data, ...
DRAGEN vastly increases the speed of this operation by pairing the input reads, and sending them on to the mapper/aligner when pairs are identified. Use the --pair- by-name option to enable or disable this feature (the default is true). Specify single-ended ...