IL-23是一种促炎症细胞因子,主要由活化的树突状细胞、巨噬细胞及单核细胞等产生,其作用主要由CD4 T辅助亚群Th17、一个独特的γ/delta T细胞亚群(Tγδ17细胞)、自然杀伤T(NKT)细胞亚群和3型先天淋巴细胞(ILC3s)介导。 慢性炎症性疾病是由不受控制的免疫反应引起的,它引发了信号级联的过度激活,促进了促炎症介...
接下来研究团队使用ILC3条件性敲除小鼠探究敲除ILC3上的NRP1后对结肠炎疾病严重程度的影响。结果显示,仅敲除ILC3上NRP1足以显著减轻结肠炎。这表明,NRP1促进ILC3分泌IL-17A的能力并加重结肠炎。 那么NRP1如何调控ILC3中IL-17A的产生呢...
IL-23 刺激结肠 ILC3 细胞可激活 STAT5 和 IL-22 的生成,而 STAT5 和 IL-22 是一种细胞因子,对 IEC 中 STAT3 的激活至关重要,并且与结肠炎小鼠模型中的粘膜愈合相关。尽管 ILC3 细胞可以产生 TH17 细胞因子,如 IL-17A 和IL-22,通过 T...
Subsequent in vitro experiments showed that heat-killed LGG (HK-LGG) could promote DCs to secrete IL-23, which in turn further promotes the activation of ILC3 and the secretion of IL-22. Finally, organoid experiments further verified that IL-22 secreted by ILC3 can enhance the intestinal ...
Here we show that IL-23 promotes conversion of embryonic intestinal Lin(-)IL-23R(+)Thy1(+) cells into IL-22-producing Thy1(+)Sca-1(hi) ILC3s in vitro. Gut-specific expression of IL-23 also activated and expanded Thy1(+)Sca-1(hi) ILC3s, which produced IL-22, IL-17, ...
IL-12 Family Inflammatory/Monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells LTi Cells Macrophage Activation Markers Multiple Sclerosis and Myelin Related Molecules NCR+ILC3 NCR-ILC3 Search Cytokine and Growth Factor Products T Cell Cytokine Signaling Th17 Cells
ILC3 expression of PD-1 inhibited IL-23R endocytosis and consequently amplified the JAK2/STAT3/RORγt/IL-17A pathway that was essential for the pro-fibrogenic effect of ILC3s. Thus, we reveal a hitherto unrecognized migration...
IL-12 Family Inflammatory/Monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells LTi Cells Macrophage Activation Markers Multiple Sclerosis and Myelin Related Molecules NCR+ILC3 NCR-ILC3 Search Cytokine and Growth Factor Products T Cell Cytokine Signaling Th17 Cells