一键解锁免疫组化染色Protocol的正确姿势 | IHC高手速成系列 在经过了样本的制备及固定、抗原修复等步骤之后,免疫组化的“长征之路”也算是走了一半,后续将准备免疫组化染色。步骤虽然比较简单,但是细节决定成败。今天就让我们一起解锁免疫组化染色的步骤和细节! 脱蜡&复水 对于FFPE组织切片来说,脱蜡是不可省略的,...
This IHC protocol provides a basic guide for the fixation, microtome sectioning, and staining of paraffin-embedded tissue samples. Each investigator must determine the precise experimental conditions required to generate a strong and specific immunohistochemical staining for each antigen of in...
免疫印迹(WB)、免疫组化(IHC)、酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA),是免疫学三大常用工具,应用于目的蛋白的定位、定性和定量。 有了这篇纯干货,相信大家就能轻松搞定免疫学三巨头实验的各种疑难杂症! 最全的生物实验protocol与生物实验操作视频学习资料(细胞功能分析、蛋白组学、病例组化、分子生物学) 112个科研软件免费版(数...
Note:Since this protocol uses avidin-biotin detection system, avidin/biotin block may be needed based on tissue type. If you do, the avidin/biotin blocking should be done after normal serum block and before primary antibody incubation.
Observe the staining under the microscope and take photos with the right field of view. **This is a suggested protocol and should be adjusted by the user accordingly** Full Name* Institution* Email* Submit Epigenetic Resources DNA Methylation RNA Methylation Chromatin Remodeling Histone Modific...
IHC FFPE Mouse on Mouse Human on Human IHC for paraffin-embedded tissue Solutions and reagents Protocol Solutions and reagents Xylene Ethanol, anhydrous denatured, histological grade (100%, 95%, 85%, 75%) Washing buffer: 1XPBST1 L 10X PBS100 mL ...
查看更多about Protocol for the Preparation and Fluorescent IHC Staining of Frozen Tissue Sections Troubleshooting Guide: Immunohistochemistry Technically, IHC and ICC are relatively simple and straightforward experimental methods. However, there are many variables which must be identified and optimized for eac...
IHC 【二步法2012新版】protocol基因抗体浓度及当日日期脱蜡前应将组织切片放入60恒温箱中烘烤25min左右加速脱蜡至蜡滴下垂温度太高或时间太长抗原容易丢失1组织片置于二甲苯abc中各浸泡30min戴口罩开通风橱 【IHC二步法】步骤2012-6-28新版 1、脱蜡和水化
NOTE: Consult product-specific protocol for specific recommendation for the unmasking solution/protocol. For Citrate: Heat slides in a microwave submersed in 1X citrate unmasking solution until boiling is initiated; follow with 10 min at sub-boiling temperat...
Fluorescent Staining of FFPE Tissue Protocol Fluorescent Staining of Frozen Tissue Protocol Secondary Antibodies and Detection Reagents Frequently, IHC uses the indirect detection method in which a secondary antibody, directed against the constant region of the primary, carries the label (fluorescent, enzym...