该研究结论: 激素治疗比对照组在蛋白尿下降上更优;激素组比对照组可使eGFR下降或出现终末期肾衰(ESRD)的风险下降40%。(尽管原预设的肾脏终点因研究提前终止而未能显示出显著差异)。激素组副作用明显超过对照组。 现课题组推出改良研究方案:TESTlNG Low Dose(小剂量激素,0.4mg/kg/天,加用磺胺药抗感染预防,...
而正在进行中的小剂量激素治疗IgA肾病的国际多中心研究因为包含多种族人群,可进一步揭示该问题。(TESTlNG Low Dose 研究,北医大牵头,华山医院也参与,参见巳发短文:我是较重的IgA肾病,使用激素或免疫抑制剂会有好处吗?) 本人仔细解读以上内容,得出以下几条认识: 1,MMF对IgA肾病有无降蛋白尿及保护肾功能下降的作用?
4,免疫治疗的风险尤其是感染的副作用不容忽视,在低eGFR的病人中更要警惕。这在STOP-IGA及TESTlNG研究中均巳证实。 5,小剂量激素能否有降蛋白尿及保护肾功能作用?其感染等副作用能否由此(同时预防性用磺胺药)而明显降低?这有待TESTING Low Dose 研究完成而证实。 本人对以上最新权威的KDlGO治疗指南内容进行仔细阅...
4,免疫治疗的风险尤其是感染的副作用不容忽视,在低eGFR的病人中更要警惕。这在STOP-IGA及TESTlNG研究中均已证实。 5,小剂量激素能否有降蛋白尿及保护肾功能作用?其感染等副作用能否由此(同时预防性用磺胺药)而明显降低?这有待TESTING Low Dose 研究完成而证实。
现课题组推出改良研究方案:TESTlNG Low Dose(小剂量激素,0.4mg/kg/天,加用磺胺药抗感染预防,其余基本不变。 小剂量激素能否有降蛋白尿及保护肾功能作用?其感染等副作用能否由此(同时预防性用磺胺药)而明显降低?这有待TESTING Low Dose 研究完成而证实。" ...
Significance was tested with paired t-test. *** = p < 0.001; glycan code: H = hexose (mannose or galactose); N = N-acetylglucosamine; F = fucose; S = sialic acid Full size image IgA1 and IgA2 plasma cells display similar glycoenzyme expression To investigate ...
Test Preparation Needed? None What is being tested? Immunoglobulins play a key role in the body’s immune system. They are proteins produced by specific immune cells called plasma cells in response to bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms as well as exposures to other substances that are ...
*P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001; two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test (b, e, f, h, i, q), two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test (c) and Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s test (l–n). P values were corrected by FDR (q). Exact P values are provided in the Source Data. Source data ...
IgA deficiency should be excluded in samples showing low absorbance readings in the TGA assay and interference from monoclonal and polyclonal IgA should be excluded in samples with slightly raised TGA levels and negative EMA. TGA is recommended as the first-line serological test for coeliac disease....