该研究结论: 免疫治疗对IgA肾病(包括轻度至中、重度肾功能损害)无肾功能保护作用。对蛋白尿下降有利(在轻度肾功能损害组)。但须注意其感染等副作用。TESTlNG研究: 这是由中国北医大肾科牵头的国际多中心研究。第一阶段研究(标准剂量激素对IgA肾病肾脏保护作用)因激素组副作用明显超过对照组(安慰剂组)而提前终止。...
英文名称:Citric acid (CA) content of the test box 规格:50T/48样 检测指标:柠檬酸;CA ·尿蛋白定量测试盒(CBB法) 编号:SNM297 英文名称:Urine protein test kit 规格:100管/96样 检测指标:尿蛋白定量 本试剂盒可测各种动物尿液等样本中蛋白含量。
[6] MCPHERSON S, HENDERSON E, BURT A D, et al. Serum immunoglobulin levels predict fibrosis in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease[J]. J Hepatol, 2014,60(5): 1055-1062. [7] HOWELL J, VAN H, PHAM M D, et al. A novel p...
建立IgA缺乏者的稀有血型库也是IgA缺乏患者安全输血的有效策略之一。 [1] Usami Y, Yanagisawa R, Kanai R, et al. Basophil activation test for allergic and febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reactions among paediatric patients with haematological or oncological disease[...
2、变应原特异性IgE检测:放射变应原吸附试验(radioallergosorbenttest,RAST)步骤:变应原交联载体加待检血清或正常对照血清加125I-抗人IgE洗去未结合125I-抗人IgEγ计数器测放射值结果判定:以大于正常人3.5倍为阳性临床意义:(1)参见血清总IgE测定(2)确定变应原 三、M蛋白测定:——免疫...
4、 urine was gathered for the quantitative test of hematuria; blood was taken through orbital sinus after eyeball extirpation to determine the serum creatinine (Scr) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN); the changes of mesangial cells and matrix in the kidneys were observed by light microscopy; electro...
TESTlNG研究: 这是由中国北医大肾科牵头的国际多中心研究。前阶段研究(标准剂量激素对IgA肾病肾脏保护作用)因激素组副作用明显超过对照组(安慰剂组)而提前终止。在该研究中,IgA肾病病人经3月最大耐受量普利/沙坦治疗,蛋白尿仍大于1.0g/天,肾功能正常至重度损害(eGFR>2Oml/分钟)。随机分二组。一组用激素(0.6-0....
Basophil activation test for allergic and febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reactions among paediatric patients with haematological or oncological disease[J]. Vox Sang. 2023,118(1):41-48. [2] Abe T, Shimada E, Takanashi M, et al. Antibody against immunoglobul...
Currently available clinical assays to detect antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) test for IgG and IgM antibodies to cardiolipin (aCL) and β2-glycoprotein I (aβ2GPI). It has been suggested that testing for IgA aPL ...