Thetype 1 conditionalis often called the real conditional. It is used for real and possible situations. Thetype 2 conditionalis used for unreal - impossible, improbable or imaginary - situations. Compare: If I become the President, Iwillgive free electricity to farmers. (Said by a candidate, ...
Exercise “The Cat and the Mouse” –Part 2 Complete the conditional sentences (type I, II and III) The mouse, however, went to the baker. “The cat (give / only) me back my tail if I fetch her some milk. And the cow (give / not) me milk if I don't get her hay. And ...
Sometimes Conditional Sentences Type I, II and III can also be used with other tenses. more on Conditional Sentences used with other tenses► Exercises on Conditional Sentences Conditional Sentence Type 1 Exercise on If Clauses Type I Exercise 2 on If Clauses Type I ...
If-clauses are also known as conditionals in English grammar. There are four types of if-clauses in; zero, first, second and third. Learn all about if clauses in English grammar with Lingolia’s free explanations and exercises.
高中英语语法if条件句If_Clauses IFClauses Toexpressaconsequencedependingonacondition,weusetheconditional,whichconsistsofanIFclause.TheIFclausecanprecedeorfollowthemainclause.WhentheIFclausecomesfirst,acommaisplacedbetweenthetwoclauses.Ifclause(condition)Ifyoubookyourholidayinadvance,Mainclause(consequence)yougeta...
The zero conditional is used for when the time being referred to is now or always and the situation is real and possible and also used to refer to general truths. In zero conditional sentences, the word ” if ” can usually be replaced by the word ” when ” without changing the meaning...
条件句clause语法conditional高中层面 人力资源部门需从薪酬的基础、薪酬的设计和薪酬提升三个层面着手来安排薪酬体系,使薪酬体系设计体现公平的原则,从而符合公司发展的整体需要。 IFClauses 人力资源部门需从薪酬的基础、薪酬的设计和薪酬提升三个层面着手来安排薪酬体系,使薪酬体系设计体现公平的原则,从而符合公司发展的整...
Clauses with if or unlessDefinition of a conditional clause A conditional clause is a type of subordinate clause, most commonly introduced by the conjunction if or unless. Like most subordinate clauses introduced by a conjunction, the conditional clause can either go before the main clause, or ...
10.10.Difference between LOOK WATCH SEE 32 2021-03 2 9.9.Difference between “By” and “Until” 38 2021-03 3 8.8.DIE - Basic Verbs - Learn English Gr 40 2021-03 4 7.7.Countable Nouns - Learn English Gram 27 2021-03 5 6.6.Conditional and IF clauses - Learn E ...
Parallel Directive Clause: Specifies a conditional expression. If the expression evaluates to .FALSE., the construct is not executed.