(Logic) a conditional statement in which the first clause is a past tense subjunctive statement expressing something contrary to fact, as in:if she had hurried she would have caught the bus. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991...
compressor units compressorcompressor compressorplant compressors for the p comprising a bracket comprobacion en el re compromise clause compromise document compromised andor arr compromising emanatio compssion comptes nacionals compton cross-section compton park compulsiontypeconcret compulsive tobacco us compul...
In this example, the statement y = x/i; is executed if i is greater than 0. If i is less than or equal to 0, i is assigned to x and f( x ) is assigned to y. Note that the statement forming the if clause ends with a semicolon....
p wont let you cry my pamp iclub pi clause protection ping-shang pkgs pyongchon-guyok p documents against p pprint p-40n p-amino-hippurate p-aminobiphenyl hydro p-bdam p-be p-bromo-nn-diethylani p-brotmmethy p-c predicate-complem p-cgmene p-clv p-dibenzyloxybenzene p-fet p-frame ...
If the ACC_INTERFACE flag of this class file is not set, it may have any of the other flags in Table 4.1 set. However, such a class file cannot have both its ACC_FINAL and ACC_ABSTRACT flags set (§2.8.2). The setting of the ACC_SUPER flag indicates which of two alternative sem...
If the if conditional sentence is a repetition of the occurrence and the occurrence of a situation and event that is predicted to occur, the main sentence is usually in the present tense. Such as: If bears are in danger, they attack people. If guided adverbial clauses of condition, the ...
(Grammar) The dependent clause of a conditional sentence; protasis. Rule To mark (a straight line), as with a ruler. Condition (Logic) A proposition on which another proposition depends; the antecedent of a conditional proposition. Rule To be in total control or command; exercise supreme autho...
To stop on each statement when you're debugging, use Debug > Step Into, or select F11.The debugger steps through code statements, not physical lines. For example, an if clause can be written on one line:C# VB C# Copy int x = 42; string s = "Not answered"; if( int x == 42...
Theelseclause of an if...else statement is associated with the closest previousifstatement in the same scope that does not have a correspondingelsestatement. For this sample to be unambiguous about if...else pairing, uncomment the braces. ...
System for executing a conditional statement without reading program data part that does not satisfy the conditional clauseNaoki Shiraishi