IEC 62304 CheckList IEC62304 ApplicableforReferenceSoftwareLifecycleProcessClassA PRIMARYLIFECYCLEPROCESESS
IEC62304ReferenceSoftware LifecycleProcessApplicableforClassAClassBClassC PRIMARYLIFECYCLE PROCESESS 5SOFTWAREDEVELOPMENT Process ...
ACTIVITY,TASKoroutput,theintentionisthattheMANUFACTURERshallusethePROCESS, ACTIVITY,TASKoroutputunlesstheMANUFACTURERcandocumentajustificationfornotso doing. INTRODUCTIONtoAmendment1 ThefirsteditionofIEC62304waspublishedin2006.Thisamendmentisintendedtoadd requirementstodealwithLEGAcYsOFTwARE,wherethesoftwaredesignisprior...
1、IEC62304ReferenceSoftwareLifecycleProcessApplicableforClassAClassBClassCPRIMARYLIFECYCLEPROCESESS5SOFTWAREDEVELOPMENTProcess51DevelopmentPlanningActivity5.1.1SoftwaredevelopmentplantaskXXX5.1.2SoftwaredevelopmentplanreferencetoSYSTEMrequirementstaskXXX5.1.3SOUPmanagementplanningtaskXX5.1.4Softwarede 2、velopmentmeasures...
Due to its small size and its safety critical credentials, SAFERTOS® is ideally suited for use on the primary core. This allows the system to boot and configure itself securely before enabling other cores that could run non-critical applications such as Linux to implement web servers and ...
1、IEC 62304Refer enceSoftware Lifecycle ProcessApplicable forCl ass ACl ass BCl ass CPRIMARY LIFECYCLE PROCESESS5SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Process5.1Development Planning Activity5.1.1Software development plan taskXXX5.1.2Software development plan reference to SYSTEM requirements taskXXX5.1.3SOUP management ...
Iec62304|High Voltage Compatibility:Rated at 250V, this power cord is designed for high-voltage applications, ensuring reliable power delivery. Durable Material Construction:Crafted from alloy (PC+ABS), this power cord offers a robust and long-lasting solution for your electrical needs. ...
IEC 62304 Refer Software Lifecycle Process Applicable ence for Cl Cl Cl as as as s s s A B C PRIMARY LIFECYCLE PROCESESS 5SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Process Development Planning Activity Software development plan task X X X Software development plan reference to SYSTEM X X X requirements task SOUP ...
For that reason, the software maintenance process is considered to be as important as the software development process. Clause 6 of the IEC 62304 standard spells out details for the software maintenance process, which has much in common with the software development process. Subclause 6.3.1 ...
(完整版)IEC-62304-2006-CheckListIEC 62304 Reference Software Lifecycle Process Applicable for Class A Class B Class C PRIMARY LIFECYCLE PROCESESS 5 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Process 5.1 Development Planning Activity 5.1.1 Software development plan task X X X 5.1.2 Software development plan reference to ...