A(APC): RPS(Remote Plasma Source) ionize the hydrogen and produce H plasama, ion filter remove...
Radical-based surface treatment and selective etch enabled by high density ICP remote plasma sourcedoi:10.1117/12.2662532EtchingPlasmaWith Moore's law continues to drive IC feature size and device density, advanced technology evolves to enable not only smaller feature size but also 3D structures for ...
气压降低→ MFP 增加→ Plasma 密度降低 (气体分子数少) 为了同时获得高Ion 密度和低Ion Energy,同时在低压下产生Plasma,发明了ICP. 在ICP中Ion 密度和Ion Energy可以独立控制。 Source RF Power:控制Ion 密度,生成High Density Plasma(HDP) Bias RF Power: 调节Ion Energy ...
这种设计使得在ICP中,源RF功率用于生成高密度等离子体(HDP),而bias RF功率则用于精细调控离子能量,特别是在低压环境下,如在干蚀刻中,ICP能更好地维持垂直刻蚀轮廓,产生所需的Plasma。由于CCP在低压下难以形成等离子体,ICP的发明解决了在低压力和高离子密度、低离子能量之间的平衡问题,使得等离子体...
Plasma Viewing: Vertical Radial Delivery information Standard Products- 1-2 business days for Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and provincial capitals, 2-3 business days for 2nd-tier cities, and 4 business days for 3rd-tier cities and remote areas. ...
Inhouse ICP plasma source 内置ICP等离子源 平板三螺旋天线(PTSA)等离子源是SENTECH独有的高端等离子工艺系统。PTSA能产生高密度低能量分布的等离子体。在多种材料刻蚀工艺中都能实现高效率耦合及稳定起辉 Dynamic temperature control 动态温控 衬底温度设定和工艺过程中的稳定性是影响刻蚀工艺质量的重要因素。ICP衬底电极...
Plasma Viewing: Vertical Radial Delivery information Standard Products- 1-2 business days for Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and provincial capitals, 2-3 business days for 2nd-tier cities, and 4 business days for 3rd-tier cities and remote areas. ...
产品描述感应耦合等离子刻蚀机台,低损伤纳米结构刻蚀,高速率刻蚀,内置ICP等离子源,动态温控Inhouse ICP plasma source 内置ICP等离子源平板三螺旋天线(PTSA)等离子源是SENTECH独有的高端等离子工艺系统。PTSA能产生高密度低能量分布的等离子体。在多种材料刻蚀工艺中都能实现高效率耦合及稳定起辉。Low damage for nano str...
Inhouse ICP plasma source 内置ICP等离子源 平板三螺旋天线(PTSA)等离子源是SENTECH独有的高端等离子工艺系统。PTSA能产生高密度低能量分布的等离子体。在多种材料刻蚀工艺中都能实现高效率耦合及稳定起辉 Dynamic temperature control 动态温控 衬底温度设定和工艺过程中的稳定性是影响刻蚀工艺质量的重要因素。ICP衬底电极...
RF source duo1150 W750, 1150 or 1350 W750 to 1600 W Gas flow controlsOptimized MFCVariable MFC Plasma gasFixed at 12.5 L/minFixed, optimized at 8.5, 12.5 or 14.5 L/min0 to 20 L/min Auxiliary gasFixed at 0.5 L/minSelectable ...