WARNING: Support for this library is being discontinued, I highly recommend using https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons instead as its more fully featured. There's far biggger problems to solve in the open source and React Native communities than competing icon libraries so I'll...
1,先打开xcode,这不用教了吧 对着你的项目右键选择Add Files to"里面显示的是你的项目名称"; 2,选择路径node_modules➜react-native-icons➜ios➜ addReactNativeIcons.xcodeproj 点Add 3,选中项目目录,右边的Build Phases➜Link Binary With Libraries,并点击+,如图: 4,如图: 5, 6, 7,按路径选择node...
React Native Icons A React Native wrapper on top of [https://github.com/PrideChung/FontAwesomeKit]. Currently we support 5 different icon fonts and 2444 icons. FontAwesome 4.4 Contains 585 icons ionicons 2.0.0 Contains 733 icons, lots of iOS 7 style outlined icons. Foundation icons Contains...
4.在根目录新建react-native.config.js:module.exports = { dependencies: { 'react-native-vector-icons': { platforms: { ios: null, }, }, },};使用 在官网搜索图标:https://oblador.github.io/react-native-vector-icons/,复制选中图标的名称,如果想要使用上面图标集合的某个图标...
react native cli 使用react-native-vector-icons图标库 1. 安装 npm install --save react-native-vector-icons 2. 修改配置 详见该说明 安卓且使用 Gradle:修改android/app/build.gradle文件, 添加apply from: file("../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle")。
Some fonts today use multiple styles, FontAwesome 5 for example, which is supported by this library. The usage is pretty much the same as the standard Icon component:import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome5'; const myIcon1 = <Icon name="comments" size={30} color="#900"...
Some fonts today use multiple styles, FontAwesome 5 for example, which is supported by this library. The usage is pretty much the same as the standard Icon component:import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome5'; const myIcon1 = <Icon name="comments" size={30} color="#900"...
原因可能是React-Native,React,React-native-vector-icons的版本问题。 后来在CSDN上找到解决办法——删除文件(或重命名) ./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/core/__fixtures__/filespackage.json at Promise (<anonymous>)
React Native comes with an amazing animation library called Animated. To use it with an icon, simply create an animated component with this line: const AnimatedIcon = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Icon). You can also use the higher level animation library react-native-animatable....
因为在react-native中无法直接引用各种各样的图标,还好已经有人做好了相关组件, react-native-vector-icons就是比较好用的,可以让你开发过程中...