PS5302. 3-2.31STMIXERCIRCUIT(MAINUNIT) 3.2.8LOW-PASSFILTER(FILTERUNIT) Thefiteredsignalismixedwitha60MHz1stLOsignalat ThesignalfromthePAunitpassesthroughthetransmit/ the1stmixercircuit(IC)toproducea69.0115MHz1stiF receiveswitchingrelay(RL4017,RL4018)andisthen signal,This1stmixeriscommonlyusedwiththerec...
PSMN2R0-60ES,127 Nexperia N沟道 VDS=60V VGS=±20V ID=120A P=338W 数据文档 现货: 0 ¥0 SOT-226 STP30NF10 ST MOSFET N-CH 100V 35A TO-220 数据文档 现货: 200 ¥2.24572 SOT78,TO-220AB,SC-46 201007J033KT4E Uniohm 贴片电阻 0.33Ω ± 5.00% 0.75W ± 800ppm/℃...
PS-125 Switching Power Supply. 25 Amp. INFO Discontinued SM- 6 Desk microphone with flexible neck. Discontinued SM-20 Uni-directional electret condenser-type, Up/Down desktop microphone with low cut function. INFO Discontinued SP-23 External Speaker with dual inputs, audio filtration, speaker swit...
(p. 34) HM-36 SM-20 (optional) • Rear panel ANTENNA 1, 2 (pgs. 13, 74) 144 MHz ANTENNA (pgs. 13, 74) [Example]: ANT1 for 1.8–18 MHz bands ANT2 for 21–50 MHz bands Connect a VHF (60–144 MHz) antenna; impedance: 50 Ω. DC POWER SUPPLY PS-125 (Optional) GROUND ...
PS-60 DC Power supply Provides 13.6V DC (30A) output from an AC outlet. AT-140 HF AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER Covers 1.6-30MHz with a 7m (23 ft) or longer wire antenna. AT-130/E is also available. AH-2b ANTENNA ELEMENT For mobile operation with the AT-140 or AT-130/E. All bands ...
IC-7000 Unique Features • The IC-7000 was the smallest multimode radio available at its introduction (and the time of this writing)• It was the first truly mobile radio to feature IF-DSP (customizable filters – nothing to buy)• Filter width adjustable by mode with “sharp” and ...
(因为条码打印机都是针式的,打出来的字不可能会很平滑,除非是600dpi的打印机,但是非常昂贵,所以一般都是用的300dpi的)PS:基于以上种种,假电池的序列号往往都是一样的。 以上方法还可以用来鉴别手机另外也有部分厂商用喷码技术来印序列号,出来的字体跟针式打印差不多很粗糙有锯齿感,喷码技术的成本更高,估计不会...
新京报讯据“北京海淀”微信公众号消息,近日,海淀区永定路街道对街道图书馆进行全面升级,打造了一处24小时开放阅读空间。据了解,除了提供丰富的图书借阅和学习自习场所,图书馆24小时服务功能区还配备了免费的空调、暖气、Wi-Fi、充电插口和卫生间等设备设施,满足辖区居民实际需求。 永定路街道市民活动中心工作人员介绍,...
PS-30 PS-55 SM-8 SM-10 SP-7 UT-34 UT-36Weatherproof 2 m preamplifier High stability crystal unit Satellite communication interface unit CI-V level converter CW narrow filter (500 Hz) Hand microphone Hand microphone with DTMF keypad
PS-55 SM-8 SM-10 SP-7 UT-34 UT-3670 cm masthead preamplifier High stability crystal unit (±0.5 ppm) Satellite interface unit CI-V level converter CW narrow filter (500 Hz) Hand microphone with up/down buttons Mobile mounting bracket ...