UC56 Icom PS-55 $129.95 SOLD External Power Supply The Icom PS-55 power supply delivers 13.8 VDC at 20 Amps. The rear panel has a hard-wired output cable to standard Icom Molex plug. This power supply has a snap-out flip stand. [09/06] Click here for technical info on this disc...
Make Use an optionail PS-85 DC POWER SUPPLY, etc. When Sure: operating the transceiver with AC power Refer to the *The [POWER] switch is OFF diagrams below. *Output voltage of the power source is 12-15 V when you use a non-lcom power supply. *DC.power cabie polarity is correct-...
GPS Memory Function When connected to an external GPS receiver* equipped with an airport frequency database, the frequency data such as nearby airports can be transferred and made available in the IC-A220.* Ask your dealer for available GPS receiver details.Optional Power Supply PS-80 for the ...
PS5302. 3-2.31STMIXERCIRCUIT(MAINUNIT) 3.2.8LOW-PASSFILTER(FILTERUNIT) Thefiteredsignalismixedwitha60MHz1stLOsignalat ThesignalfromthePAunitpassesthroughthetransmit/ the1stmixercircuit(IC)toproducea69.0115MHz1stiF receiveswitchingrelay(RL4017,RL4018)andisthen signal,This1stmixeriscommonlyusedwiththerec...
▶符合GMDSS要求和EC标准: IC-GM651内置CLASS A级DSC功能,符合SOLAS规定的GMDSS要求;选配直流稳压电源PS-250后,符合欧洲商船MED 9696/98/EC,“wheelmark”要求 ▶可选听筒式话筒或手麦 ▶前面板IPX7级防水:水下1米30分钟不进水 ▶全点阵大液晶显示 ...
PS-45 Power Supply 13.8 VDC 8 Amp (for IC-3220A only). Discontinued SM- 6 Desk Mic with Up-Down Buttons. Discontinued SM- 8 Desk Mic with Up-Down Buttons. Discontinued SP- 7 Speaker with stand. Discontinued SP-10 Mobile speaker with bracket. Discontinued UT-67 Tone Squelch Discontinued...
IC-GM651甚高频/DSC ▶符合GMDSS要求和EC标准: IC-GM651内置CLASS A级DSC功能,符合SOLAS规定的GMDSS要求;选配直流稳压电源PS-250后,符合欧洲商船MED 9696/98/EC,“wheelmark”要求 ▶可选听筒式话筒或手麦 ▶前面板IPX7级防水:水下1米30分钟不进水...
(因为条码打印机都是针式的,打出来的字不可能会很平滑,除非是600dpi的打印机,但是非常昂贵,所以一般都是用的300dpi的)PS:基于以上种种,假电池的序列号往往都是一样的。 以上方法还可以用来鉴别手机另外也有部分厂商用喷码技术来印序列号,出来的字体跟针式打印差不多很粗糙有锯齿感,喷码技术的成本更高,估计不会...
PSXLR-1000 BF66079201 TL7-011 90A301230 DLL-6010-M1 MATRIX-2000 GWY-01-IND-01 MPR83C-W/U5 DDL-8700-7 MPM892ATG7G1N HSS-91 HSS-914 HSP-6854 W10130544 W10112112 T-LED-3 W10319813 W10189966 SS-602 TT560 SP1403 DXE-450 WM4120 45-350RGH24-120 MHM490-CONS-0000 EW100B60L FX-...
PSMN2R0-60ES,127 Nexperia N沟道 VDS=60V VGS=±20V ID=120A P=338W 数据文档 现货: 0 ¥0 SOT-226 STP30NF10 ST MOSFET N-CH 100V 35A TO-220 数据文档 现货: 200 ¥2.24572 SOT78,TO-220AB,SC-46 201007J033KT4E Uniohm 贴片电阻 0.33Ω ± 5.00% 0.75W ± 800ppm/℃...