ICOM PS-80是一个方便安装的台式机,面板上设有电源,音箱,麦克风,耳机和天线连接器插口。 用户可选择110或220/240 V 可调节控制电源,提供7瓦的发射机输出。大于5瓦的音频内置扬声器。麦克风,耳机和天线连接器为PS-80的标准,因此不需要配线 。 可根据你所需要配选桌面麦克风,SM - 6 HM -7或MIC手持话筒和B -...
爱企查为您提供艾克慕ICOM PS-80航空机载电台适配电源IC-A220固定式安装机箱,北京易达瑞康通讯科技有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。价格;行情报价;图片;厂家;品牌-艾可慕ICOM;是否支持加工定制-否;是否进口-是;包装清单-盒装;输出电压-12V;输入电压-
* Ask your dealer for available GPS receiver details.Optional Power Supply PS-80 for the Ground When combined with the IC-A220, the optional PS-80 power supply pro- vides a convenient base station operation on the ground. The PS-80 in-cludes built-in speaker and HM-176 hand microphone. ...
艾克慕ICOM PS-80航空机载电台适配电源IC-A220固定式安装机箱 ¥ 4900.00 艾可慕IC-F51/IC-F61/IC-F3161DTIC-F4161DT对讲机用耳骨震动耳机 ¥ 165.00 ICOM艾可慕IC-F61/F26/U80E/F4008对讲机天线 ¥ 65.00 艾可慕ICOM对讲机IC-7100配件电脑USB数据线通用安卓手机 ¥ 80.00 艾可慕ICOMIC-F8101短波...
Make Use an optionail PS-85 DC POWER SUPPLY, etc. When Sure: operating the transceiver with AC power Refer to the *The [POWER] switch is OFF diagrams below. *Output voltage of the power source is 12-15 V when you use a non-lcom power supply. *DC.power cabie polarity is correct-...
The perfect match to your IC-7400 is the PS-125. (The diagram below describes the connection with OPC- This compact switching power supply is the matching 639. OPC-025D has no fi lter box and GND cable.) power supply for your IC-7400 with a current rating of AC A DC power to ...
PSMN2R0-60ES,127 Nexperia N沟道 VDS=60V VGS=±20V ID=120A P=338W 数据文档 现货: 0 ¥0 SOT-226 STP30NF10 ST MOSFET N-CH 100V 35A TO-220 数据文档 现货: 200 ¥2.24572 SOT78,TO-220AB,SC-46 201007J033KT4E Uniohm 贴片电阻 0.33Ω ± 5.00% 0.75W ± 800ppm/℃...
IC-7000 Unique Features • The IC-7000 was the smallest multimode radio available at its introduction (and the time of this writing)• It was the first truly mobile radio to feature IF-DSP (customizable filters – nothing to buy)• Filter width adjustable by mode with “sharp” and ...
IPT012N08N5 场效应管 MOSFET N沟道 80V 300A HSOF-8 ¥ 0.52 FDBL9406-F085T6 场效应管MOSFET N沟道 40V 45A/240A 8HPSOF ¥ 0.55 SPB160N04S2L03DTMA1 场效应管MOSFET N沟道 40V 160A TO263-7 ¥ 0.44 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 咨询底价 品牌: Enicom 封装: Enicom代理...