Python for data science and AI 🐍 这一节是入门IBM WATSON STUDIO的NOTEBOOK,主要介绍如何用Python进行数据科学和AI操作。 Databases and SQL 📑 接下来是数据库和SQL的部分。这一节主要是入门IBM DB2 Database,所有操作都在“云端”进行,挺有意思的。 Data Analysis with Python 📈 如果你已经学过数据分...
Python for Data Science, AI & Development:掌握Python编程,为数据科学和人工智能打下基础。 Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python:用Python连接数据库,进行数据查询和分析。 Data Analysis with Python:用Python进行数据分析和建模。 Data Visualization with Python:用Python进行数据可视化,制作各种图表。 ...
2020 年 11 月,仅仅学习了七个月的 Kautilya 就获得了 IBM 的五项认证,包括 edX 上 IBM 的 AI 专业认证基础课程和 Python for Data Science 课程。如今,七岁的他正在学习另外两门课程以获取、掌握更多的开发技能。 13 岁创建出 RISC-V 内核 你还记得 13 岁的自己在干什么吗?写作业、吃零食还是玩游戏? ...
> Course 1:What is Data Science? > Course 2: Tools for Data Science > Course 3: Data Science Methodology > Course 4: Python for Data Science and AI > Course 5: Databases and SQL for Data Science > Course 6: Data Analysis with Python > Course 7: Data Visualization with Python > Cour...
> Course 4: Python for Data Science 这门是Python基础,配有很多Lab课演示代码。最后的大作业是使用pandas library导入并查看数据,以及通过自定义function建一个dashboard,看似复杂,但大部分的代码其实老师都写好了,基本只要根据instruction填填空就行了,比较简单... 画出这个图还不算完事,最后IBM还硬要来炫个技...
python data-science assignment ibm coursera-data-science coursera-specialization ibm-data-science ibm-data-science-professional analyzing-us-economy python-for-data-science-and-ai data-science-assignment python-for-data-science-quiz data-science-quiz analyzing-us-economic-data Updated Jun 7, 2021 Jupy...
IBM watsonx.governance offers a comprehensive solution for governing data and AI workloads within a secure and scalable environment. Built on an open architecture, it empowers organizations to manage data access, compliance, and security across ... Simplify Your AI Journey: Hybrid, Open Data ...
Python for Data Science and AI -- Week 1 This Python course consists of the following modules: Python basics, Python data structures, Python programming fundamentals, working with Data in Python, final project. Quiz What is the type of the following: 1.0? --float ...
Applied AI Professional Certificate Deep Learning Professional CertificateJob OutlookArtificial Intelligence and Business Analysis featured in the top 10 hard skills for 2020(Source: LinkedIn Annual Report) Annual demand for the fast-growing new roles of data scientists, data developers, and data engineers...