> Course 4: Python for Data Science 这门是Python基础,配有很多Lab课演示代码。最后的大作业是使用pandas library导入并查看数据,以及通过自定义function建一个dashboard,看似复杂,但大部分的代码其实老师都写好了,基本只要根据instruction填填空就行了,比较简单... 画出这个图还不算完事,最后IBM还硬要来炫个技...
先修课程 *IBM 的 *Python for Data Science, AI and Development** 课程是本项目课程的先修课程。在学习本课程之前,请确保您已完成 IBM 的数据科学、人工智能和开发 Python 课程,或在使用 Python 和数据方面具有同等水平。 注意:本课程不打算教授 Python,也没有太多教学内容。它旨在让您应用已有的 Python 知识...
2020 年 11 月,仅仅学习了七个月的 Kautilya 就获得了 IBM 的五项认证,包括 edX 上 IBM 的 AI 专业认证基础课程和 Python for Data Science 课程。如今,七岁的他正在学习另外两门课程以获取、掌握更多的开发技能。 13 岁创建出 RISC-V 内核 你还记得 13 岁的自己在干什么吗?写作业、吃零食还是玩游戏? ...
> Course 1:What is Data Science? > Course 2: Tools for Data Science > Course 3: Data Science Methodology > Course 4: Python for Data Science and AI > Course 5: Databases and SQL for Data Science > Course 6: Data Analysis with Python > Course 7: Data Visualization with Python > Cour...
With more than 45 million users, Anaconda is the most popular operating system for AI providing access to the foundational open-source Python packages used in modern AI, data science and machine learning through a seamless platform. We pioneered the use of Python for data science, championed its...
Python for loop: a comprehensive guide Python, one of the most versatile programming languages, is popular for data science applications, as well as web development, offers various ways to implement loops, particularly the for loop. This explainer will delve into the syntax and functionalities of...
A data science programming language such as R or Python includes components for generating visualizations; alternately, data scientists can use dedicated visualization tools. The latest AI News + Insights Discover expertly curated insights and news on AI, cloud and more in the weekly Think ...
Python for Data Science and AI This introduction to Python will kickstart your learning of Python for data science, as well as programming in general. This beginner-friendly Python course will take you from zero to programming in Python in a matter of hours. Module 1 - Python Basics o Your...
Specifically, the open-source programming language Python is one of the most versatile and popular programming languages that are used in the world at the time of writing. This situation is especially true in the data science ... IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration 15 March 2023, Web Doc ...