2020 年 11 月,仅仅学习了七个月的 Kautilya 就获得了 IBM 的五项认证,包括 edX 上 IBM 的 AI 专业认证基础课程和 Python for Data Science 课程。如今,七岁的他正在学习另外两门课程以获取、掌握更多的开发技能。 13 岁创建出 RISC-V 内核 你还记得 13 岁的自己在干什么吗?写作业、吃零食还是玩游戏? ...
With more than 45 million users, Anaconda is the most popular operating system for AI providing access to the foundational open-source Python packages used in modern AI, data science and machine learning through a seamless platform. We pioneered the use of Python for data science, championed its...
> Course 1:What is Data Science? > Course 2: Tools for Data Science > Course 3: Data Science Methodology > Course 4: Python for Data Science and AI > Course 5: Databases and SQL for Data Science > Course 6: Data Analysis with Python > Course 7: Data Visualization with Python > Cour...
> Course 2:Open Source Tools for Data Science > Course 3: Data Science Methodology 前三门就是最最最基础的,介绍什么是Data Science啦,介绍这门课要使用到的工具和平台啦,然后就是方法论,大概介绍了一下数据分析项目的流程是怎样的blah blah~ > Course 4: Python for Data Science 这门是Python基础,配...
如果您还没有 Cloud Pak for Data as a Service 帐户,请注册。 验证必需的供应服务 To preview this task, watch the video beginning at00:50. 请遵循以下步骤来验证或供应必需的服务: 从导航菜单" ,选择服务 > 服务实例。 使用产品下拉列表确定是否存在现有的watsonx.aiStudio 服务实例。
用户只需单击Sources超链接,即可直接从可视化资源管理器进入新功能生成的Python代码或文档,如下图所示。IBM Research Early Access产品也包含了Semantic Data Science功能。甚至可以在IBM的API Hub上试用其中一些功能。Amini博士用一句话总结了IBM对AutoAI投入的大量研究工作,并以此结束了我们的谈话:“我们希望AutoAI和...
用户只需单击Sources超链接,即可直接从可视化资源管理器进入新功能生成的Python代码或文档,如下图所示。 IBM Research Early Access产品也包含了Semantic Data Science功能。甚至可以在IBM的API Hub上试用其中一些功能。 Amini博士用一句话总结了IBM对AutoAI投入的大量研究工作,并以此结束了我们的谈话: ...
Accelerating AI and Analytics with IBM watsonx.data and IBM Storage Scale This IBM® Redpaper describes an IBM Data & AI solution for using IBM watsonx.data together with IBM Storage Scale. The paper showcases how IBM watsonx.data applications can benefit from the enterprise storage features...
Python for Data Science and AI This introduction to Python will kickstart your learning of Python for data science, as well as programming in general. This beginner-friendly Python course will take you from zero to programming in Python in a matter of hours. Module 1 - Python Basics o Your...
IBM Research blog: [Open-sourcing analog AI simulation]: https://research.ibm.com/blog/analog-ai-for-efficient-computing We are proud to share that the AIHWKIT and the companion cloud composer received the IEEE OPEN SOURCE SCIENCE award in 2023. ...