“知识问题”的三大特征:一,是关于知识的;最本质的特征,认识论的关键概念(下周重点关注的对象),我们是怎么获得证据?我们怎么给一个东西进行辩护?About Knowledge / TOK terms / ways of knowing / evidence/ justification/ explanations。二,超越一个具体学科的范畴,在另外学科中也可以找到类似的问题,是一...
ib style question的 command terms也很重要诶 你写essay的format几乎完全depend on the command term!
Outline是最简单的一个Command terms。因为这个对写作要求最少,只要简单说明和总结一下就可以了,除此之外真的没什么了。 如果实在担心的话可以按照Explain来写,毕竟Explain包括Outline嘛(宇宙尽头是Explain)。 这三个command terms的关系可以参照下图: 虽然三个command term关注的答题重点不相同,但宁愿多写一点解释也不...
那些不一样的词就是所谓的command terms。Command terms对一个问题的回答方向起到着至关重要的作用,和写作的整体结构也有很大的关系。如果Criteria E想要拿满分的话就一定要分清楚它们之间的区别。 以下是IB心理学中针对ERQ会出现的command terms: A.DiscussDiscuss是四个里面最简单也是出现次数最多的了!这个term最...
Command terms A.Discuss B.Evaluate C.To what extend D.Contrast 1 ERQRubric 如何在有限的时间内写出一篇好的论文,一直都是心理学学生要面临的最大挑战。但是当我们了解了评分标准之后,你可能会发现“好像并没有想象中的那么难?!” 想知道具体的内容就接着往下看吧!
一、熟悉IB历史学习内容 IB历史分为SL和HL两个级别的课程,学生需要从规定课程中选择一门学习,从世界...
OurIB IA writing serviceis outstanding because we have a strong understanding of the IA rubric and can help you ace it. We realize that this task can be challenging, which is why we offer affordable prices for our services so that they are accessible to all students. ...
Each course or assignment, from TOK to the Internal Assessment writing, has its rubric and requirements. Familiarizing with the requirements will help you write a paper that aligns closely with what examiners seek. Our IB writing service encourages you to keep the rubric as a checklist during th...
Evaluate student work on the rubric interface itself - this helps you save hours of work Give feedback to students using a range of tools - voice, text, annotations, and video Get personalised insights on student progress across MYP criteria and ATLs ...
The real-life situation should be very relevant to what is going on around in the world; you should be able to defend it in all ways possible, in terms of the fact that it should be related to the topic. You need to expand on it and refer to it several times. It should be contro...