( ´▽`)这两门课吃Rubric,光自己厉害还不够,需要老师按照IB要求引你上道。如果老师教得不好+本...
EssaysofGeorgeOrwell,providedPaper2-Comparativepaperontwonovelsstudied Pygmalion,GeorgeBernardShawChoices-TheAwakening,TheirEyeswereWatchingGod, Disgrace,J.M.CoetzeeDisgraceandNativeSon NativeSon,RichardWright INTROTOIBENGLISH Day1___Notes: Activities: Intro...
于是,我们就可以结合自身的情况,用rubric的评分表给自己定一个大致的目标,避免过于随心所欲而勒令重掉写。 Sample Paper 下一步,我们就要去理解玄乎其玄的descriptor到底是什么意思。 IBO大概也猜到这些descriptor过于抽象,所以他们有发布很多sample...
Understanding your provided reading material is key to excelling in this paper, so making sure to come in prepared is the key difference of passing and failing this paper.How are the IB English SL Papers/Exams Scored?Both papers are scored out of 20 points, and are based off a rubric/...
Computer Science 1 Economics 1 Dance 1 Dance 2 Design Technology 1 Design Technology 2 English 1 English 2 English 3 English 4 English 5 English 6 English 7 English 8 English 9 English 10 Environmental Systems and Societies 1 Geography 1 ...
1月-2月是我经历的最最最黑暗的IB时期。English B oral的正式考试出来了,我要准备6个文学选段的分析...
paper 1阅读理解的这么一个部分,其实压力不是特别特别大,我觉得主要就是读懂文章,去写就好了,然后注意就是他有时候问的题目会比较tricky 就要小心一点,不要把English B想太简单,想当然地去做。IB English B阅读的部分,会考的特别细节,所以在阅读的过程当中要去留意一些细节,不要搞混了,因为信息会比较多。
participation. Simply stated, there should always be an impact on the quarter grade if a student does not comply with class rules, procedures, and policies. This is always something that I included as a classroom teacher and it was in part why we created the participation rubric many years ...
(很赞同楼下的说法 其实两科都不简单 但是对于一个母语中文的人来说你学eng hl一点都不占优势. ...
首先中文评分要求是真的很严。打个比方paper1 总分20,想要拿7通常必须要拿到19分...我们语文老师说我...