如果老师教得不好+本人水平不够,一个都别选。文学HL7+EngA HL6如是说。
Understanding your provided reading material is key to excelling in this paper, so making sure to come in prepared is the key difference of passing and failing this paper.How are the IB English SL Papers/Exams Scored?Both papers are scored out of 20 points, and are based off a rubric/...
1月-2月是我经历的最最最黑暗的IB时期。English B oral的正式考试出来了,我要准备6个文学选段的分析...
21stCentury Learning:The theme of this year’s conference, “Education for an Inclusive Future,” speaks once again to the IB’s commitment to preparing students with the skills needed for success beyond the brick and mortar of schools so that they may make a difference in all corners of the...
paper 1阅读理解的这么一个部分,其实压力不是特别特别大,我觉得主要就是读懂文章,去写就好了,然后注意就是他有时候问的题目会比较tricky 就要小心一点,不要把English B想太简单,想当然地去做。IB English B阅读的部分,会考的特别细节,所以在阅读的过程当中要去留意一些细节,不要搞混了,因为信息会比较多。
hl一点都不占优势. 除非你真的想多学点东西 或者给以后的study铺路 要不然不要像我一样选了英语HL)...