paper 1阅读理解的这么一个部分,其实压力不是特别特别大,我觉得主要就是读懂文章,去写就好了,然后注意就是他有时候问的题目会比较tricky 就要小心一点,不要把English B想太简单,想当然地去做。IB English B阅读的部分,会考的特别细节,所以在阅读的过程当中要去留意一些细节,不要搞混了,因为信息会比较多。 写作...
SAQ只会出现在Paper 1 的Section A中,而且我们必须回答每个来自三个不同的approach的问题。 一道SAQ占9分,也就是说三道是27分。这27分再加上Section B的一道ERQ的22分就组成了Paper 1的49分。 根据2019的分数线,只要Paper1超过36/49就是7分。众所周知,每年翻车率最大且最难准备的就是ERQ了。 如果能够保...
Paper1 基本上就是 analyze sources, compare&contrast sources, 还有刚才说的OPCVL,最后还会让你结合...
The rubric (also called a mark scheme) tells you the right answer for questions in an exam, and the work required to get there (with full working marks!). Let’s begin with a couple questions and solutions for the MCQ, paper 1. ...
paper'1:规定课程一一基于信息源的分析 1.规定课程包含五个主题,但我们只学习了其中一个。而考试中五...
于是,我们就可以结合自身的情况,用rubric的评分表给自己定一个大致的目标,避免过于随心所欲而勒令重掉写。 Sample Paper 下一步,我们就要去理解玄乎其玄的descriptor到底是什么意思。 IBO大概也猜到这些descriptor过于抽象,所以他们有发布很多sample...
byEavenBolandasaclass. LookatPaper1Rubricandconstructthesisandtopicsentencesononeofthetwoworks. Reviseelementsofaliteraryessay. H/W:Introparagraphandtopicsentencesforliteraryessayon“It’saWoman’sWorld” THEAWAKENING OBJECTIVES: A.Studentsdeveloptheabilitytoengageinclose,detailedanalysisofliteraryworks,building ...
Our IB writing service encourages you to keep the rubric as a checklist during the writing process to ensure that you have effectively met each point. Developing a strong thesis and arguments One of the most challenging parts of writing any paper for IB courses is creating a well-structured ...
Once you've figured out your category,you should brainstorm more specific topics by putting pen to paper. What was your favorite chapter you learned in that class? Was it astrophysics or mechanics? What did you like about that specific chapter? Is there something you want to learn more ...
Ib Math Sl Paper 1 2011 M11/5/MATME/SP1/ENG/TZ1/XX 22117303 mathematics staNDaRD level PaPeR 1 Wednesday 4 May 2011 (afternoon) 1 hour 30 minutes iNSTrucTioNS To cANdidATES candidate session number 0 0 Examination code 2 2 1 1 – 7 3 0 3 Write your session number in the boxes...