三、 paper.3:HL选修主题一一仅针对HL学生 1.学生需要完成三道论述题,大约每题用5分钟制定写作规划,...
其实在我看来ib 的课基本上经常看老师给的大纲 不懂的东西问老师 然后跟着rubric好好练就可以高分了 这...
and each year that I serve I am more and more humbled and honored to be part of that history. There were 14 principals who came before me since 1934, and we have had countless teachers who have served our students, and made Dobbs Ferry the place where they have made their life’s wo...
学生需要完成一项历史调查(Students need to complete a history survey),所以SL共计为150小时、HL共计...
IB History of the Americas HL刚毕业。预估分6。历史真的是很有意思的一门课程 有人说它无聊是因为...
ummm 作为一个没有选history的ib狗实在不知道... 不过文科大多数都是要勤奋背吧。我不建议晚上背, ...