IB课程资料列表 Math数学 001-Mathematical Studies - Meyrick and Kwame - Cambridge 2013 002-Mathematical Studies SL - Course Companion - Oxford 2012 003-Mathematical Studies SL - ANSWERS - Oxford 2012…
IB官网并没有很好地区分这四门课程,但从所收集到的信息来看,数学学习SL是数学的最低水平,然后是数学SL,然后是数学HL,然后是继续数学HL。 Group 6: Arts 包含5门课程 · DanceHL/SL · FilmHL/SL · MusicHL/SL · TheatreHL/SL · Visual ArtsHL/SL IB课程除6门课程外,还需要学生在教师的指导下独立完成...
N Marks awarded for correct answers if no working shown. AG Answer given in the question and so no marks are awarded. Using the markscheme 1 General Mark according to RM™ Assessor instructions and the document “Mathematics HL: Guidance for e-marking May 2016”. It is essential that you...
M13/5/MATHL/HP3/ENG/TZ0/SGmathematicshigher levelPaPer 3 – sets, relatiONs aND grOUPsTuesday 21 May 2013 (afternoon)iNSTrucTioNS To cANdidATES do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so. Answer all the questions. unless otherwise stated in the question, all ...
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Look over your IA and ask someone else to do the same –Math IAs may be time-consuming due to the extensive typing and proofreading of equations and symbols necessary for SL and HL maths courses. Start immediately-Keeping all of this in mind, initiate the Maths IA as soon as feasible. ...
This is a really interesting puzzle to study - which fits very well when studying geometric series, proof and the history of maths. The two most intuitive answers are either that it has no sum or that it sums to zero. ...Continue Reading → ...
Math HL: 1- Older Exams and Answers to their questions with explanation 2- Going over all topics with exercises 3- Maybe videos? (explanations) 4- Some kind of advice on organising studying time ( how many hours and exercises shall be spent on a specific topic for example) ...
can be “proved” to equal different answers. 1.8 Solutions in 3D TOK: Mathematics, sense, perception and reason. If we can find solutions in higher dimensions, can we reason that these spaces exist beyond our sense perception? 1. Maths Illuminated resources on the fourth dimension. 2. ...