1 The mass spectrometer 1 Electron arrangement2 Bonding12.5 Ionic bonding2 Covalent bonding6 Intermolecular forces2 Metallic bonding0.5 Physical Properties2 Energetics8Suzanne Spence
IB的学习资料不多,所以选择一本合适的教材和万能的教辅书对理解和掌握知识点格外重要。除此之外,多看看IB官方给出的Syllabus也非常有用,可以归纳总结所学的知识点,看看官方到底想要学生们学到些什么。另外,练习尽量多的Past Papers和Questionbank的题也是考试的制胜法宝。对于教材来说,推荐Oxford出版的IB系列的物...
AA HL是和old syllabus HL最相近的,刷题可以直接刷old syllabus的Question bank/ past paper.不过,不...
IB数学高等级HL公式表 GRADE 11 IB DP Chinese B HL - MyWAB WAB´s IB Physics 2009-2013 Syllabus IB物理大纲 IB Standard Level Business & Management Syllabus IB Psychology Syllabus Overview IB Music Syllabus - Killeen Independent School District Ib Study Guide Math Sl Exam - ms1ms.com Ib...
从2019年起,IB数学教学大纲发生重大改革。原有的Math Studies,Math SL,Math HL和Further Math被...
遮天罗峰 四方游侠 5 语文HL和的SL差别就在于考试时是否有引导题以及IA的质量要求 英语没有区别看自己的功底吧 数理化在syllabus上有差距 数学HL SL尤其难度相差大 经济考试其实都是写essayHL多了个计算但认真复习都可以速学 水流加快 四方游侠 5 请问楼楼ib有IT,设计,计算机课程吗 登录...
Math AI (Application & Interpretation) HL & SL Tutors We have a strong team of 15 IB school teachers and examiners ready to help students according to the latest IB Math syllabus 2025. All these teachers are working in top IB schools as teachers and examiners. They understand the IB examina...
从计算要求看AI和AA,HL和SL的区别 主要差别: HL学的多,SL学的少,具体见各个syllabus。 HL 3张papers, SL 两张。(AI HL 3张, AI SL两张papers 均可使用GDC,AA HL & SL均有一张不可使用GDC ) AA课程的考试中,其中一张试卷不能使用计算器(非计算器试卷占你最终成绩的40%),也就意味着处理大量复杂的...
In the past, students all covered core topics according to the SL or HL breakdown, and then they selected an additional option topic (like materials or medicinal chemistry). The new syllabus has removed the additional option topics and, instead, includes some of those materials in either the ...
Our IB Math Tutors take Chapter-wise tests, Unit-wise tests, half syllabus, and full-length tests. These tests help you gauge your preparation and help you be better prepared for the final battle. Once you write the tests, our expert tutors will check them and provide you with detailed ...