Our IB Math Tutors take Chapter-wise tests, Unit-wise tests, half syllabus, and full-length tests. These tests help you gauge your preparation and help you be better prepared for the final battle. Once you write the tests, our expert tutors will check them and provide you with detailed ...
AA HL是和old syllabus HL最相近的,刷题可以直接刷old syllabus的Question bank/ past paper.不过,不...
AA HL 内容比较抽象化,加了原本 calculus(微积分)的内容,整体就比较偏向于纯数了,比较适合以后想要...
AA更深入地学习微积分与代数,AI更深入地学习统计与函数,而二者对于三角函数的学习内容基本持平,AA略微多一些。 从计算要求看AI和AA,HL和SL的区别 主要差别: HL学的多,SL学的少,具体见各个syllabus。 HL 3张papers, SL 两张。(AI HL 3张, AI SL两张papers 均可使用GDC,AA HL & SL均有一张不可使用GD...
Syllabus, Level of Difficulty, and Uses in life AA Maths deals with Calculus, Algebra, Statistics, Probability, etc. Students learn complex mathematical concepts and principles in it. It encourages students to learn complicated math problems using intellectual knowledge. Students develop their critical ...
AA更深入地学习微积分与代数,AI更深入地学习统计与函数,而二者对于三角函数的学习内容基本持平,AA略微多一些。 从计算要求看AI和AA,HL和SL的区别 主要差别: HL学的多,SL学的少,具体见各个syllabus。 HL 3张papers, SL 两张。(AI HL 3张, AI SL两张papers 均可使用GDC,AA HL & SL均有一张不可使用GD...
math HL 的会死得很惨。。 认识个数学学霸然后选了math HL 最后在IB test 的时候死的很惨。。 因为学了很多但是没教的还有很多。。然后他说考试的时候几乎大半的人都在睡觉。。。然后因为这个原因他拿了很低的分数。 也因为这个原因我们学校都不提供 IB math HL了。。 85_21﹏狮子 人中龙凤 11 要是数...
一位IB数学老师自己开发的网站,IB数学资料齐全而且排版巨舒服。上面还有很多分topic的练习题和卷子,质量也都很高,考前都会做个几套练手,Math AA/AI SL/HL 资料全都有。 三、物理网站 1. IB madeasy-满分学霸手写笔记 45分IB学长整理出的精美笔记,都是手写,他把能冲到7分的知识点全部整理出来了分享给大家,还...
34% Grade Increase Revision Village students scored 34% greater than the IB Global Average in their exams (2021). 80% of IB Students More and more IB students are using Revision Village to prepare for their IB Math Exams. More IB Math Analysis & Approaches HL Resources ...
It is used by thousands of students every day and includes almost everything you need to successfully pass your IB math exams. It's your personal IB math tutor. This app intends to help students revise and understand the main math topics of their syllabuses. ...