关于IB数学AA HL Textbook,你用的是哪一本 关于IB数学教材,你用的是哪一个版本?用... 戳我看完整笔记>>http://t.cn/A6H8RsEV (更多 @小红薯65B8D3D8 的笔记内容都在小红书 立刻下载 APP:http://t.cn/RPTJCEp)...
Revision Village是为IB数学量身定制的学习网站,包含Maths HL, Maths SL, Maths Studies以及Math AA & AI的HL与SL,每门课程之下都配有Questionbank, Practice Exams, Past Exam Solutions和Key Concepts四个部分。 这个网站很优秀的一点是几乎每一道题都配有视频讲解,不至于做完了一道题却苦苦找不到答案。而美中...
Revision Village Revision Village是为IB数学量身定制的学习网站,包含Maths HL, Maths SL, Maths Studies以及Math AA & AI的HL与SL,每门课程之下都配有Questionbank, Practice Exams, Past Exam Solutions和Key Concepts四个部分。 这个网站很优秀的一点是几乎每一道题都配有视频讲解,不至于做完了一道题却苦苦找...
首先,我在沙田學院修畢及取得IB文憑,我的科目為英文語言及文學(標準程度)(English Language and Literature Standard Level, SL),化學(標準程度)(Chemistry, Standard Level, SL),中文第二語言(高級程度)(Chinese B, Higher Level, HL),經濟(高級程度)(Economics, Higher Level, HL),數學(高級程度)(Mathematics,...
1. 无论是选择SL或HL的课程,花一些课外时间预习java。了解java的特性,培养基本的编程技能,可以在课内学习中更加得心应手。 2. 可值得注意的是,哪怕拥有极强编程素养的同学,甚至包括信息学竞赛选手,都很难在11年级上学期的assessment中取得理想的成绩,而这个时候的...
HL or SL: Binomial distribution Probability Normal distribution Integration HL: Differentiation Poisson distribution Functions Studies: Financial maths Functions Differentiation There are also already a large number of Tarsia puzzles onTES Secondary Maths Resourcesbut most of these relate to A level rather ...
I started working with you in November and that time I had a 4 at that point I was doing IB Chemistry HL. I think my issue at that moment was that in class, I could not really understand what my teacher was saying. So to have your class afterward, which summarizes the whole lesson...
难的,要花很多时间CAS,IA,EE需要有逻辑 ib的书 读起来比较困难的我觉得TOK比较难,数学HL一般难度...
IB SL Requirements*IB HL Requirements** Arrays User-defined objects Objects as data records Simple selection(if�else) Complex selection(nestedif, ifwith multiple conditions orswitch) Loops Nested loops User-defined methods User-defined methods with parameters(the parameters have to be useful and ...
Revision Village是为IB数学量身定制的学习网站,包含Maths HL, Maths SL, Maths Studies以及Math AA & AI的HL与SL,每门课程之下都配有Questionbank, Practice Exams, Past Exam Solutions和Key Concepts四个部分。 这个网站很优秀的一点是几乎每一道题都配有视频讲解,不至于做完了一道题却苦苦找不到答案。而美中...