‘I Stand Here Ironing’ is a 1956 short story by Tillie Olsen, first published in Prairie Schooner under the title ‘Help Her to Believe’. It acquired its more famous title when it was republished in Olsen’s 1961 collection Tell Me a Riddle. The story
Tillie Olsen's short story 'I Stand Here Ironing' is the story of relationship between a mother and her long separated child. The mother has not been regularly in touch with her elder child, her first daughter Emily, but the bond between the two has not waned with passage of time. ...
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Olsen, Tillie Lerner. 1961. "I Stand Here Ironing ". http://producer.csi.edu/cdraney/2010/278/resources/olsen_ironing.pdf.Tillie Olsen, "IStand Here Ironing," in TellMea Riddle,(New York:Delta Books, 1961), p. 12. Subsequent references to "O Yes" and "TellMe a Riddle"are to ...
Tillie Olsen - I Stand Here IroningStephen King&aposs the Stand
"Feminine Mystique and the Patriarchal World in Tillie Olsen's I STAND HERE IRONING" Journal of Language and Communication, vol. 1(2). September 2014. Page 249 - 260. [5] Fairclough, Norman. 2001. Language and Power (2nd edition). London: Longman....