‘I Stand Here Ironing’: plot summary The story begins with the first-person narrator, a mother, thinking about what one of her daughter’s teachers has said: the teacher has requested that she come into the school for a meeting to talk about her daughter, Emily, who is nineteen years ...
Tillie Olsen's short story 'I Stand Here Ironing' is the story of relationship between a mother and her long separated child. The mother has not been regularly in touch with her elder child, her first daughter Emily, but the bond between the two has not waned with passage of time. ...
Tillie Olsen - I Stand Here IroningStephen King&aposs the Stand
"Feminine Mystique and the Patriarchal World in Tillie Olsen's I STAND HERE IRONING" Journal of Language and Communication, vol. 1(2). September 2014. Page 249 - 260. [5] Fairclough, Norman. 2001. Language and Power (2nd edition). London: Longman....